Friday, August 10, 2007

(NO HBOT) Meltdowns Continue

Jonathan was again very tired this morning. Same situation as yesterday. However, today he told me that the police went to group 5 yesterday to tell stories. So that was nice to hear.

I took him to school and he seemed more excited to go than the day before. A boy came by and said hi. Jonathan was preoccupied that I wasn't writing his love note, so he did not acknowledge the boy until I was done. Then he said hi to the boy. When I asked him what the boy's name was, he did not know. I asked him to ask him and he did. It was like we went back to basic ABA. But the boy was really nice and they both went towards the computer before I left.

I picked Jonathan and Vanessa up early to go bowling with my brother, his wife and girls. That was a fun time. Sarah (my brother's wife) pointed out how Jonathan was playing with Illy (her daughter) and she was playing back. It was great to watch because he had never played with Illy before. We started late, so we didn't make it to the chamber today. Jonathan was having a very good time and I didn't want to spoil the moment, so I called and canceled today's session. My brother and his family are leaving on Sunday and we want to spend as much as we can with them.

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Everything has been a bit intense with Jonathan these past few days though. He was been extremely demanding on what he wants. And very stubborn about everything. In the evening, he watched Arthur again. When we told him that he couldn't watch it again, he had a horrible meltdown. It took a while for him to get over it. He told daddy that he was mad at him. When I told him that I agreed with dad, he got mad at me and came to step on my feet. He was really mad. We calmed him by giving him a PC. But I don't want that to be the norm. He played with the PC for over 2 hours as we had people over and he did not want to interact with anyone.

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