Saturday, August 18, 2007

(HBOT 54) Biplanes & Hot Air Balloons

Jonathan is getting really smart verbally. This morning he wanted to play playstation and daddy told him that they were leaving very soon to the HBOT and he could play after they returned. That he was changing. Then daddy got distracted with the TV, and Jonathan came to the bathroom and said "mommy, can I play playstation for a little bit because daddy is not changing anymore." I laughed and daddy heard and laughed too. Then he came and said "I'm done Jonathan, let's go" and Jonathan looked at me and smiled. That was really cute. He is starting to draw more complex assumptions verbally based on observations. I know that he could do that before in his non-verbal world. But now that he can articulate better, he knows that this is the best way to negotiate his way into what he wants and he is taking good advantage of it.

We had a pretty cool day today. After the HBOT, we went to an airplane and hot air balloon show. It was a new experience for all of us. When we arrived, Jonathan did not seem very interested. He liked the airplane show but the interest didn't last. Until Daddy asked him if he wanted to get in one and fly and he jumped and said yes. It was a great experience. Daddy said it was amazing. Jonathan covered his ears the majority of the time, but he really liked it. He didn't have any sensory problems. It was just too loud (they were sitting right behind the propellant). Daddy said that Jonathan would yell out loud how much fun he was having. And when they landed, he got out of the airplane, really excited and said "wow, it was just like the Rescuers" (he watched that movie last night and this morning). I am excited that he was able to tolerated the noise, the movement, everything.

One thing to point out is that although he was very engaged today, he did not play with the other kids (other than Vanessa - they played for a bit). Nico and Christian did not interest him at all today. His only distraction were mommy and daddy's phones, his Leapster for a little bit and playing with gravel. At the end of the day, he wanted a toy airplane and he did play with that for a little bit.

It was something new, and his reaction was extremely positive, accepting, he did great with transitions, when he felt overwhelmed, he coped well (either playing with our phones or asking questions). It think it might have been a bit too sunny for his taste. Sometimes I blame Jonathan's behaviors on the wrong situation.

Airplane Show - kids loved it

Jonathan was curious about the speaker but it was too loud for him

Vanessa joined his curiosity

They had a great time together today

Jonathan and Daddy went on an airplane ride

Vanessa was scared of the real airplanes, so she got on the small "pretend" one

Hot air balloons were spectaculars. The kids loved to see the balloons take off

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