Saturday, August 4, 2007

(HBOT 43) Fun at a Birthday Party

We had a long and fun day. Towards the end of the day, Jonathan was not as social, but he said he was tired. Nevertheless, he was full of energy and engaged.

We went to the chamber this morning for our 10:30am session. We were 2 minutes late but made it. The dive was very uneventful. Jonathan was very cute. He again had to talk to Tom when we reached 1.5atms. Tom put Barney for the other 2 kids and Jonathan said "I don't like Barney Mommy. Barney is for babies. I am not a baby anymore". But I had to convince him to watch it because the other 2 kids wanted it. He sat quietly and watched it.

On the way home, I told him that we needed to stop by to get bananas. When we left Whole Foods, he wanted to guide me home with the GPS, but I took a different exit. He got upset with me and said "mommy, you can only go the GPS route. promise you are going the GPS route now. Promise", which I did and the darn thing took us home via the longest possible way. But we talked and sang the whole way, so it was pretty fun.

He played Playstation for a little bit while I fixed lunch. We then got ready and went to a birthday party. Matias turned 4 and there were about 20 kids in his party. They did it at a kids gym. Jonathan was a bit anxious at first as he feared we were going to leave him. But as soon as he realized that we weren't, he totally loved it, participated and had a fabulous time. He was able to follow most of the directions from the 2 ladies that guided the kids. Since he had spent to many hours at the GMS Institute last school year, which has an Olympic type gym, he was completely comfortable today climbing, jumping, etc.

When it came time to eat, he was very excited, put his shoes on and followed the crowd. There were absolutely no sensory problems. He sat and waited. When the lady came around asking what type of pizza, he said "cheese pizza for me please". When he finished the first slide, he yelled out "I want another pizza please" and the girl turned around and said "ok, coming". Then he wanted a third one, and even though he yelled for another one, I got that one. He communicated extremely well. He asked for water and said that he didn't want apple juice. Just water for me please. Then when the cake came, he sang happy birthday and then waited for his piece. When he was done, asked for another piece. Then we told him he had to stop eating. I am going to have to put this kid on a diet soon.

Then we had piñata time. The original idea was to line up all the 3, 4 and 5 year old kids and have each one pull one string in an orderly manner. But Matias wanted to pull them all, so parents improvised. This was Jonathan's first piñata. Although he has been in many other birthday parties, some with piñatas, he had never been interested in it, was never curious and definitely had never picked the candy and put it in the goody bags. That was amazing to watch. Seems so trivial since Vanessa who is 3 can do it without really teaching her. But every tiny "normal" developmental achievement is such a triumph for us.

We left go to visit my family in DC. Today is my uncle's birthday. But by the time we arrived, Jonathan had fallen asleep and didn't want to wake up. So when we did wake him up, all he wanted to do was go home "because his body was getting tired". It was a full and fun day.

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