Friday, August 24, 2007

(HBOT 58) Spanish vs. English

This morning poor Jonathan had a really hard time waking up. But once he did, he was in a pretty good mood. He and Vanessa played a little bit.

When we got in the car to go to the daycare, Jonathan asked me for a movie DVD. Then he turned around and told Vanessa "When you are in the car Vanessa, I turn your DVD on. When you are not in the car, I leave it off". What impressed me about this sentence is that even though his tone of voice is still robotic, he is using language very appropriately. His language is not as "Tarzan" like anymore. Again, small observations but remember that just 5 months ago his school evaluation rated him at 3 in word sentence structure compared to the average which is 10. Now he is using lots of words (more than 5), so I would expect that this evaluation will change dramatically very soon.

He was really cute. Vanessa was holding a big start that had his name. And she pretended to read his name "Jonathan". But she for some reason cannot pronounce the "th". It sounds like a "t". Jonathan corrected her and said "Vanessa, that is my name in Spanish". I asked him to say his name in English and he used the right intonation and pronunciation and said his name (including the "th" sound). Then I asked him to say it in Spanish and he said "Yonatan" with the correct Spanish intonation. I found that really cute. Then, on the way to the daycare I asked him to translate a few words: "apple", "cereal", "milk" and he asked me to translate a few words for him. Then this afternoon, on the way back from the HBOT, he put the Rescuers' Disney movie in Spanish all the way. Cute that he is able to separate the two languages so well. I am not sure at what age they are supposed to be able to intuitively do this; but Jonathan has gradually gotten better at this.

Today's dive was uneventful. He dove again at 1.75 ATA. He was silly but not as bad. During the first 20 minutes or so, he did a lot pretend with a few rubber animals inside the chamber.

We later went to visit our friends and I made the mistake of not feeding him. An hour after we had arrived, he came over to tell me that he was really hungry and wanted to eat something. So we ordered pizza for him because he does not eat what we all like: chips, shrimp, sausages, etc. But he was so hungry that he had no interest in playing with the other kids. When he gained the interest (about 1 hour after he finished), it was time for us to leave.

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