Thursday, August 30, 2007

(HBOT 63) Great Dentist Visit

Kids had their regular dentist visit today. I was so proud of Jonathan. He did really well. He listened carefully, followed directions, answered questions, payed attention and had no sensory problems. He reacted to the sound of one machine because he got scared but not because the sound bothered him. Vanessa had the same reaction.

In the afternoon, we had his Open House at his public school so we could see where his classroom will be and meet his kindergarden teacher. He played with a couple of boys and really liked his new classroom. His teacher seemed very nice. We met with her afterwards to go over some of my concerns (which are basically now gone since Jonathan has improved 200% over the summer in terms of sensory problems and getting overwhelmed easily. She was very nice, and welcomed communication via email. The Special Ed teacher was there and they both made a comment that Jonathan seemed really smart, that one of the best things they noticed is that he is not aggressive and that he was very sweet. I have a good feeling about her. I hope everything goes well. First day is Sept 4.

In the afternoon, he played for a while with his grandfather before we went to the HBOT. He was in a pretty good mood. We had a pretty good dive. No ear problems again. We watched a movie he wanted. He was hungry though. Most kids that go in at 6pm already had their dinners. Most Moms don't work. Big difference.

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