Thursday, August 9, 2007

(HBOT 47) Some Strange Behaviors

Jonathan was more tired than normal in the morning. Daddy changed his clothes like always, but he didn't wake up. Daddy carried him to the family room and put in on the couch, and he continued to sleep. This is very unusual. I woke him up to give him his supplements and to go to school. He was really lazy. I ended up leaving home rather late because he was very slow.

I left him at school and he seemed aloof again. Sticking his hands inside his pants like he did months ago. Intimidated by all the kids. But I left hoping that he would have a good day an integrate.

In the afternoon, I met him at the HBOT chamber trailer. My dad brought him again. He seemed really in la-la land. I gave him a cookie and he was excited about it. We went inside to learn that we were the only ones. So we went in 10 minutes early and gave us extra time to get him a bit earlier. He was not very talkative. The technician from March is back and he didn't express any excitement. Which was strange because he liked her a lot. And he was very aloof. He picked Scooby-do and we went in. He did well with the dive and hardly complaint about his ears. Once we reached 1.5 atms, I put his hood on and leaned down and fell asleep. I slept about 50 minutes of the entire session. It was pretty uneventful.

He is now obsessed with watching a cartoon movie called Arthur. He watched it in the car and then we wanted to watch it at home. I let him watch it for a little while, and then we had dinner. Soon after, my brother, his wife and kids arrived. They were pretty tired and the kids went straight to bed. Jonathan stayed downstairs but spoke little. Watched a bit of TV and then we all went to bed. Strange day.

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