Sunday, March 23, 2008

(No HBOT) Easter at the Zoo

There was no HBOT today due to the Easter holiday. We spent the morning with family at home, having breakfast and playing Wii and went to the Zoo in the afternoon.

Jonathan woke up wanting to just play the Nintendo Wii. I knew that would be the case, but I let it be. He likes to play with other people, so he walked around asking us who would want play with him. Uncle Billy, Tia Nelci and Daddy played with him and he was very excited.

After about 1 hour of Tennis and Bowling, we decided to get out of the house. My brother is here with his family and they wanted to go see my other brother's house under construction and then head to the Zoo. So we did that.

When we got to the house in construction, the girls were excited to run around, but Jonathan was very clingy. He walked around holding one of my hands and hiding his head under my sweater. It annoyed me because I didn't know what was going on with him. A little later he said he didn't care to be there and wanted to go back to the car.

After that, we got in the car and headed to the Zoo. I told Javier that I was afraid that Jonathan was in one of his moods and he would not do well at the Zoo. And I was right. He was whining, and clingy, and bored and not into it at all. We got the elephant's area and he looked at it and turned and ask what comes next.

Then we went to the Gorilla's house and he was all over the place, again did not care much about it. His attitude was simply that he did not like or cared about the animals or being there. All he could think of was going back home to play the Wii and this that we were doing had no interest in his mind. And he didn't want to walk much. He kept complaining that we were walking too fast.

After that, we got an ice cream and went to see the lions and tigers. They were all gone (probably inside to feed and sleep). So we went to the car and headed to my family's house to have Easter dinner.

At my family's, he was better. He watched a movie and ate. After a bit, he went to play on the computer and Illy (cousin) went to play with him. Vanessa was very tired and fell asleep. He played very well with Illy (3.5 years old) and showed her how to play with the computer. That was nice.

We ate and went home. I gave him his supplements and put the B12 shot and put the kids to bed. It was a long day for me. I don't like seeing Jonathan so disconnected.

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