Sunday, March 2, 2008

(HBOT 101) Obsessions

Jonathan's obsessions are pretty bad lately. He walks around with a music CD (Mozart or Baby Bach) in his hand, he wants to put the Baby Bach's VHS on, he wants to play pinball in the computer, he wants to put different DVDs in the player, etc. I hate these obsessions because they bring me back to when he was 18 months and was obsessed with watching Baby Einstein movies and then at 2 years old, all he did was put VHS videos and rewind them and fast forward them. More than 4 years later, his obsessions continue to be the same. His pretend play has gotten better. He has demonstrated that he can do it. But his passion is putting CDs in the players and watch them spin.

I have also noticed that his humming has returned and now he is rocking himself quite a bit. He is also jumping on couches and on my bed more than he normally does. He is also not as responsive when we talk to him as he had gotten. I am sure it is part of the side effect of the HBOT, but it makes me lose my patience.

Another thing that I noticed is that early in the morning, before I give him his supplements or he eats, his languages is much better, his pronunciation is sharper, and the sentences are better constructed. So what is affecting his brain? The food or the supplements or both? Tough to know.

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