Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Jonathan Does Not Like the Circus

Jonathan seems to be dragging this week. I am not sure if it is post-HBOT regression, or something else. Whenever he gets like this, my heart sinks. Will we ever see the end to this long journey?

We took the kids to the Circus today. This Circus came for a couple of weeks only. We took them last year, and Jonathan seemed to like it. But today he totally ignored it. I have to admit that we were a little too far and he did not appreciate many of the events because he could not really see the details, but one thing that bothered me is that Vanessa could see and appreciate what was going on and laugh and enjoy the circus, while Jonathan only paid attention to the different lights and colors and kept telling me when there were no interesting lights that he wanted to go home. It was a disappointing for me. I thought he would have enjoyed it more. But he seems to be in "la la" land lately.

I was so distracted, trying to keep him from hitting the people in front of us (he was moving a lot) and with Vanessa on my laps, that when the circus ended, we ran out and I believe my phone fell off my purse then. I lost my phone to add to a very hard week.

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