Monday, March 3, 2008

(NO HBOT) Dentist Visit (1st of 3)

We put Jonathan to bed by 9pm last night and this morning, I gave him his supplements and breakfast and he seemed energetic. Yet, when I picked him up from school, there was a note that he needed assistance today again. I noticed that I had to call his name several times to grab his attention. We are half-way into the HBOT and I can't wait to finish just so he can return to "normal" (whatever normal means to us).

I went to school to wait for Jonathan today so we could go to the Dentist. He has 4 cavities and due to their locations (in between molars.), we scheduled 3 separate visits. Today was the first one.

He did really well. In fact, I almost cried I was so proud of him. He is very brave. He was not scared (and he is super sensitive). They numbed his mouth and then injected the local anesthesia. He felt the needle a bit and got a little scared, but was strong and hung in there for the minute it took to inject the anesthesia. I rubbed his legs and that comforted him.

They put on a movie and he watched it while they worked on him. He was compliant. Did everything the Dr. and her assistant told him and didn't even move. He did great. I am very proud of him.

Today he went to be a bit earlier than other nights. I put on the new suppositories (I changed pharmacies because of insurance coverage). But these new ones burn him. He started screaming. I took him to the bathroom and he pushed it out, but it hurt him for a while. I will call the pharmacy tomorrow and request that they change fillers. The other pharmacy's fillers never hurt him. We have been using suppositories for over 6 months. If they cannot fix it, I will go back to the other pharmacy and pay full-price.

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