Sunday, April 1, 2007

(HBOT 6) - Jonathan Asked Vanessa for a Kiss

I am going to start with the very last experience of the day. We were getting the kids ready for bed. Vanessa was ready and I was putting her to bed, when Jonathan entered the room, went to Vanessa's bed (she was already in bed) and said to her: "Good night Vanessa. Give a kiss". And Vanessa gave him a kiss on the nose. Jonathan turned around and said: "Good night Mommy", and went to his room. I put Vanessa to bed, went to Jonathan's room and asked Javier if he had told Jonathan to come to Vanessa's room and say good night. And he said no. And we both stared at each other amazed of what just had happened.

Jonathan loves Vanessa. He has strange ways to show it, but he really cares about her deeply. He gets concerned when he hurts her, he gets upset with me when I reprimand Vanessa, he gets happy when she is happy. Whenever they are doing something, he always points the obvious out to Vanessa, calling her name: "Look Vanessa, the movie ended". But he had never come to her room to say good night. We have taught him to do so since she was a baby, but he was never this spontaneous. Could it be the HBOT?

HBOT Day 6

Daddy went to the chamber with him again. He said that this time it was really good. Although Jonathan was still uncomfortable during pressurization, he coped. Then they watched Flushed Away for 1 hour and the session was over. Everything was calm and normal. He said bye to everyone in good spirits and we left.

All he wanted to do today was play PlayStation. We are getting to a point that we may restrict it or forbid it for a while because he does not play with anything else. He spent a couple of hours in the afternoon playing the video games and it was time to eat and go to the Theater.

We went to see Diego (Dora's cousin) at Warner's Theater in DC. At first we was not very interested in going to the play, but once we got inside and he saw the scenario, he got interested. They gave the kids baby leopards masks and he was very excited with his. He actually had a very good time. He danced and jumped. He paid attention to the play, repeated what they asked the audience to repeat and followed the plot closely. At times we seemed a bit lost, and I helped him a out. I didn't want to lose him. I knew once he put his thumb in this mouth, that was it. But he didn't. He never complaint that he wanted to go. When the play was over, the crowd was overwhelming, and I mean really overwhelming and pushy. I asked Javier to carry Vanessa because people were pushing hard. I am completely shocked that Jonathan did not mind the crowd. We walked slowly towards the exit and he did not have a sensory overload for I think the first time. That was awesome.

I have observed some small but nice improvements over the past 6 days. The HBOT operator told me that normally people start seeing noticeable improvements around day 10. But I have also seen some disruption in what seemed to had gotten better. So we just need to sit tight and be patient. Hopefully, what seemed to had gotten better and is no longer that great will come back (eye contact, pretend play, etc.). This is a marathon, not a sprint! (I keep reminding myself as I want this to end sooner than later. But I know it won't).

Positive Observations:
  • Language has gotten much better: longer sentences and more complex, conjugating the verbs more appropriately, using pronouns better, asking more questions, can answer some "why" questions appropriately
  • He is more talkative about his feelings now and can read feelings in other people's faces (happy, sad, mad, scared)
  • More observational of his surroundings. He is paying more attention to the environment: buildings, cars, etc. He is also paying more attention to people, what they are wearing
  • Memory has improved. Or perhaps it has always been good, but he can articulate things better now. He knows his birthday, Vanessa's birthday, what day it is (day of the week, day of the month, month, year: Sunday April 1 2007). Although this I need to watch as this is also a "savant" type of behavior. It is good, just need to watch so it does not become obsessive.
  • Sleeps well. I was told that HBOT can cause sleep issues. So far so good.
Areas of Concern:
  • He is humming more than ever. I believe it has become constant at this point
  • He is rocking more than usual - most likely to help him regulate his body and calm himself
  • He cannot stand or sit still. He moves all the time as if his body was looking for input on where it is in space (this is why I wanted to do another loop of Tomatis, but we need to wait 3 months after the HBOT to allow his body to stabilize)
  • His eye contact has deteriorated. He is having a really hard time looking at us straight in the eyes when communicating with us
  • He again had a bowel movement on his pants. 4 times this week. It is becoming concerning
  • Has little to no interest in playing with pretend toys lately
  • Completely fixated again on electronic gadgets: our phones, playstation, electronic toys, etc.
  • His eyes seemed to hurt today. It is usually calcium deficiency. So I started supplementing calcium today. I know Yasko doesn't like it, but calcium is critical. I will run a test to see where it is very soon.


Bea said...

Its very interesting to read about Jonathan progress and concerns. So cute about the kiss. Cant wait to read more about Jonathans journey. Iam visting every day. I will put your link on my site this week!!!

Alex & Javier said...

How nice of you. Thank you Bea.