Wednesday, April 4, 2007

(HBOT 7 & 8) - First Appropriate "When" Question

I am going to start with yesterday's observations. I fell asleep last night with Vanessa and missed my posting.

Jonathan had a fantastic day yesterday. He interacted all morning at Daycare and the ABA Therapist wrote several notes about how social and playful he was with his classmates and participated in all activities without being prompted. In the afternoon he had a play date with a friend that goes to GMS (Gym) and he really enjoyed it.

HBOT Day 7 (03APR07):

When we arrived at the site, Jonathan was not too excited to go into the chamber. We had Monday off, so he probably thought it was over. He kept hiding behind me, was not very social to the staff and seemed anxious. Once we entered the chamber, and they closed the door, he urged me to cover his ears with my hands and press against his ears. I did that and although he seemed anxious, he coped all the way until they completely pressurized us. No complaints, no crying. When we reached 1.5 atmospheres and pressurization was over, he was excited and asked if he could help put his hood on. We watched Flushed Away comfortably because there were only 4 of us (2 parents and 2 kids) in the chamber. When we exited the chamber, Jonathan was in a great mood and told one of the staff members that he was happy because he helped Mommy to take off his hood.

Today's Observations:

When I took the kids to school in the morning, Jonathan's teachers grabbed me as I was leaving his classroom to tell me that they could not explain what had happened to Jonathan yesterday but he was very talkative (would not shut up), loud at times as he is having a hard time regulating his speech, and extremely interactive with the other kids and in class. He participated in all activities which he normally avoids a couple and seemed overall very happy. They had never seen him that happy since he joined the center. You can imagine my happiness. I thanked them and left. As I walked to my car, I cried of happiness. HBOT may be working.

Abuita (Grandma) picked him up at around noon to take him to eat at Moby Dick (his favorite place - Iranian food) and then to the doctor's office for his weekly allergy shots. As they were driving, he asked her for his gummy candy. She said she didn't have any and that she would buy some soon. He asked: "When you buy more Abuita?" And she responded: "tomorrow". He learned about days and months a few weeks ago, but he had not demonstrated to know that "when" questions related to time and days or even months. And the fact that he appropriately asked a question that was going to lead to a particular time or day and understood the answer is a huge step. Great progress.

HBOT Day 8

The routine is simple now. It took a few days to get the hang of it, but we have a nice routine. I leave work at 4pm and arrive at home at 4:45pm. I bathe Jonathan and dress him with the clothes provided by the HBOT people. Inside the chamber we must only wear 100% cotton clothes. So the American Hyperbarics staff provide the 3 of us with a pair of pants and shirts when we signed up. They also advised us that we must shower before going in, no jewelry, no creams or lotions on skin, no make-up, no aluminum deodorant. So after I get Jonathan ready, he plays Playstation for 10 minutes while I shower and get dressed. We leave at 5:20pm and arrive at the church where the trailer is parked at 5:55pm. The session starts at 6pm. We have 32 more to go.

He did great today. When we arrived, he was excited, walked right in, said hi to everyone and wasted no time to go inside the chamber. Inside, I again covered his ears but he was calm today. We watched Barney and Dora, and he talked and he danced with Dora and had a good time. On the way home, he hummed a lot. But responded to each of my questions without hesitation.

When we got home, we sat down to eat and he ate peas soup with us. Since he started the HBOT, he has been more open to trying different types of foods. He then went to our bedroom to play Playstation for a bit before going to bed. He is really getting quite good at it. Another nice day.

One really exciting thing. We received the Stool test results and it showed no Strep, no E.Coli and rare Yeast. I am soooo happy. Yasko strep herbs worked. They killed the bad bacteria just as Yasko said they would. I gave them to Jonathan for 16 weeks on an empty stomach twice a day. It was hard and he hated that, but it paid off. I am going to order the MAP urine test to check for Chlostridia.

1 comment:

Bea said...

I am so happy for you!!! wow!!!
Thats excellent!!I almost cried reading your post.