Tuesday, April 17, 2007

(HBOT 17) School Teachers are Noticing Now

When I arrived today at school to pick Jonathan up, his teacher stopped me in the classroom to talk to me about him a bit. She asked me to make sure that every morning I leave her a note whether he had eaten breakfast or not, because she has learned that if he comes hungry, he is not very social. When he comes and had already had breakfast, he jumps right in to play with other kids. Then she told me that she noticed that in the past week Jonathan is more attentive and curious and makes very good observations like today he pointed out that the note on the board indicated that they were not going to have TV today and he is trying to figure out what is going on at all times. She said: "He is starting to talk. He is staring to be more expressive". He had never done that before, so she was intrigued.

As I was leaving she told me that she had worked extensively with children with down syndrome and autism, and his autism is very very mild. She used her fingers to denote that he had just a tiny bit of it. Just a bit. "You can almost drag it out of him". Gosh, that is exactly what I am trying to do!

HBOT Day 17

We arrived and Jonathan was social. Said hi to everyone and noticed a clock on the wall. He ran to the technician and very happily told her that it was 2 minutes to 6pm and we had 2 minutes to get into the chamber. She laughed and told him he was right and to hurry up and get ready. We got into the chamber. He is a professional by now. I felt asleep again inside the chamber while he watched TV. He now helps me take his neck seal off when we are done. When we got out of the chamber, he now has a new routine: turn the DVD off. The technician finds it cute. It is starting to annoy me. We'll see.

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