Thursday, April 26, 2007

(HBOT 25) A Little of Repetitive Behavior Today

Jonathan has been very interested in a Disney Princess movie (Vanessa's movie). He woke up and immediately asked me to put it on. He likes the silly parts, not the princess sweetness type scenes. He really enjoys the funny parts. I don't think it is self-stimulatory OCD. I think it is a bit of an obsession, but perhaps the one that really young kids have when they want to have the same book read over and over again. A few months ago, he would watch the same movie over and over again, but this time he is actually following the story and tries to use it to create his own pretend stories. Interesting how it all develops.

On the way to the HBOT, Jonathan decided to watch Curious George. He watched the commercials, and there was one with birds. He started to sing the song and kept telling me what was going on as I could not watch it with him. I told him "Papito, why don't you fly?" and he said "because I don't have 2 wings" and I said "but pretend sweetie" and I quickly turned around and he was pretending with his arms. That was really cool. This is very normal for normally developing kids, but a really big deal for the autistic kids. The first part was logical (I don't have 2 wings). That is what high functioning autistic kids normally would answer. But pretending is more abstract thinking. It is very difficult for our kids to do, yet crucial for proper development. So all the pretending he is doing lately is absolutely wonderful.

HBOT Day 25

Today's dive went well. The technician put Shrek 2 on, and Jonathan wanted Dora. But the other kids wanted to watch it, so he accepted it very well. When we reached 1.5 atms, and I put the hood on and turned the air on, he noticed the air flowing in. Today was the third day that he mentioned that he could feel the air coming out of one hole, and thought the other hole was broken. There are 2 tubes. One that blows the oxygen in and one that takes the carbon monoxide out. So I explained that one hole is where the air is pushed into the hood and the other hole sucks the air out and into the box on the wall. He was totally amazed on how that worked. Analyzed it, and asked me a couple of questions. Curiosity. Another thing that we look to bring out in our kids.

As we were watching the movie, I asked him a question. But he was really into the movie. So I touched the top of the hood to ensure that it was tight (that is the way to check if the hood is full of oxygen) and he turned to me and asked "what did you say mommy?" and his voice and tone were soft and spontaneous. I asked him again, but I was a bit amazed that he asked me that question that way. It felt as if he really wanted to know what I was thinking or asking.

When we got home, he wanted to watch that Princess movie again. Then he very eloquently said "mommy, can you give me some grape juice please?" So now I am picking up on the tone and the structure of the sentences rather than the question itself. He has been asking for what he wants for sometime, but it is the tone. It didn't sound robotic.

HBOT is causing a terrible constipation issue. He is having bowel movements, but the stools are hard. So yesterday it seems as he broke a blood vessel and had some blood when I cleaned him and today as well. I checked the stool, and it was clear of blood, so it looks like a problem as it comes out and not inside the colon. I am going to buy Cascara Sagrada tomorrow as Dr. Yasko suggests that when there is constipation. I also ordered other types of probiotics. The Oxygen kills the gut bacteria (except Strep) and that I think is the problem right now.

With HBOT, I have noticed quite a few improvements, especially in the area of awareness, curiosity, abstract thinking, complex pretend ideas, language (both receptive and expressive), energy and some social behavior. However, I see more attention problems, hyperactivity and silliness. I was told that I will see changes 6 to 8 weeks after the end of this batch of 40 dives.

Supplements Adjusted:


  • Curcumin - 1/4 capsule (AM) - This helps with converting sulfur to glutathione instead of Taurine
  • L-Carnitine – 1/4 capsule (AM) - Provides energy to the cells (mitochondial support)

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