Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Very Tired These Days

Jonathan had trouble getting up this morning. He hardly ate any breakfast. And when I left for work, I had a gut feeling that he would not do too well. When I got home, my dad told me that Jonathan didn’t want to go bike riding. He didn’t seem very energetic. So I decided to feed the kids early and put them to bed as early as I could. I was tired also and so was Javier. We all went to bed very late all weekend and it was showing.

We ate relatively early (about 7pm), showered the kids, gave Jonathan his supplements, Methyl B12 shot and suppositories and put them to bed at around 8:45pm. We read them book for 10 minutes and Jonathan was sound asleep by 9pm.

At around 9:30pm, I got an email from Jonathan’s teacher asking if his sleep pattern had changed because the past 2 days he has been more tired than normal, very sleepy and with no energy. Wow, mommy’s gut feelings are mostly right, aren’t them? I explained to her the situation and hopefully he will return to normal in a couple of days.

I also ran out of several supplements, but the 2 that might influence are dyflucan and GABA. When he takes 500mg of GABA at bedtime, he normally wakes up at around 7pm full or energy because he had a very restful night. I have noticed in the past year and a half that whenever I don’t give him GABA, he does not sleep as well. He hasn’t taken GABA in 5 days, and perhaps he is not really resting as much, even if he sleeps 8 or 9 hours. Also, he is a gut kid and whenever his yeast gets out of control, he tends to be super tired, especially in the afternoons. I noticed that pattern a while ago. I should receive the GABA tomorrow night and the dyflucan no later than Friday. I hope that with 10 hours of sleep every night, GABA and back to dyflucan, his energy and happiness returns.

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