Sunday, September 30, 2007

A Small Change a Huge Difference

This morning Jonathan woke up and came over to our bed as he normally does on the weekends. He moved and kicked and told me "mommy, it's daytime. I don't want to sleep anymore". So I told him to go play and let me sleep a bit longer. Then he asked me "where is abuelito?" and I told him he was downstairs. Off he went to see his grandfather.

When I came downstairs to the kitchen, my dad told me that Jonathan went downstairs, laid down with him while he finished watching a moving, and played with him a bit then came up. He has gone downstairs before to see my dad and sometimes play with his laptop and other times jump on his bed. But the fact that he laid down in his bed and watched the end of a movie with him is pretty awesome.

I told Jonathan that today he could not play with any electronic toys. At first, he was not too happy. Cried a bit actually. But then he adjusted and I am glad that we did it. He played with Vanessa all day. ALL DAY. All pretend play. They pretended they were going grocery shopping (that was cute) and whenever I needed to get something from the pantry, he charged me. That was awesome. They cleaned. Pretended to be at a hair cuttery and Vanessa took one of her toddler's scissors and cut off a lot of her own hair. They made up stories after stories. I know that RDI concentrates on no electronic toys. So this is a good start.

One of his friends from the neighborhood came over. He also has high functioning autism. His mom called to arrange to take the kids bike riding. Jonathan and Vanessa were eating lunch when they came over and Jonathan got really happy to see him. I told Jonathan that he had to finish before they left. He did and asked me if he could leave the table to go play with A. I said yes. He went to play with A., but A. was obsessed with trying to talk to his mom. Jonathan looked at A. and said something to him. A. didn't pay much attention to Jonathan, so Jonathan said to him "A. look at me. Your mom is talking to my mom. Do you want to play?". And A. said yes to Jonathan. Both A.'s mom and I turned quickly and smiled. That was good.

I think that Jonathan is making a nice turn around. About time because that last 2 weeks have driven me crazy. His head is clearer (maybe the extra diflucan (prescription to kill the yeast) or the effects of the HBOT). Whatever it may be, I hope it lasts.

It was an outstanding day. It was hard at times, as he would ask if he could play a bit with his leapster or computer. But we gently kept telling him that not now, and he would turn around and play more with Vanessa. Towards the end of the day (around 7 pm after dinner), we let him play a little bit of playstation. When his uncle Hugo came over, he came down very excited to greet him and said "Tio Hugo. I am playing playstation Cars. Come on, let me show you!". About 30 minutes later, Jonathan quit the playstation on his own. Great sign.

In addition, he ate mashed potatoes today. Victory!!!! He always gags, but today he ate it without complaining or gagging.

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