Saturday, September 1, 2007

(HBOT 66) Lots of Interaction Today

It may or may not be related to double diving at 1.75 ATAs, but today Jonathan was very engaging, very talkative and very interactive. He dives at 10:30am on Saturdays and Sundays. He had trouble waking up on his own today. So daddy dressed him up and carried him to the car at 9:30am. But when he woke up, daddy said that he was very interactive and happy.

After the HBOT, I gave him gluten free pasta and he said he wanted to eat it outside. I told him that it was sunny, so the smarty went to the place I keep everyone's sunglasses, and got his sunglasses, came back and told me that he was now ready for the sun. That was funny. He and I ate outside and talked about kindergarden, his new teacher, what he did at HBOT, etc. I was mostly me asking but when he responded he added events. It was nice.

After we got back inside, he told his grandfather that he wanted to throw the ball. He did it yesterday also. And he is now throwing it from even further back.

Tia Nelci and Tio Billy came over and he played with Tio Billy on the PC for a bit. They played beautifully. He asked Jonathan what to do and Jonathan would tell him and do it and then they would watch the game go different ways and scream and laugh at the PC. It was comical. After that, they all went bike riding. Vanessa got an ear infection, so they came back quicker than usual. Then they all left to help Abuita move into a new apartment and Vanessa and I stayed home to let Vanessa nap.

I cannot put my finger on it, but he is a bit more talkative, a bit less obnoxious.

Today he did not take his morning supplements.

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