When he woke up, I told him and Vanessa that it was Daddy's birthday (well, Daddy tried to remind them, but neither got the clue, so I told them) and Jonathan spontaneously looked right at daddy and sang happy birthday. He looked happy and calm. A few minutes later, after he finished his breakfast, he went to his computer for a bit before he headed to Kindergarten. No more celebrating.
That evening, we went to eat to a new restaurant. The kids were very playful and I was glad that the place was kids friendly, because they were loud. We sang happy birthday to daddy and went home. We got the kids ready for bed, read them a book and called it a day.
When I went back downstairs, I found a printout (yes, he knows how to print). It was the September calendar with a couple of events. And to our surprise, what he had highlightened was Monday's dentist visit (with a happy face with a broken tooth) and a cake on Sept 11 depicting daddy's birthday. Very cool.
Today Jonathan came home with another "good behavior" note. On Monday, I learned that the kids should get a least one a week and they need to collect 10 of them to get a big diploma. So far, Jonathan got 2 and today I got him more involved in taking ownership of those 2 pieces of paper.
One thing that I wanted to blog today is that Jonathan brought home a drawing and although we have not figured out if he picked out the colors of one of the teachers did, what impressed me was that he did all the coloring inside the lines. That is something that the ABA therapists worked very hard with him for months, and even after they left, he still had not fully mastered. Way to go!
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