Sunday, October 28, 2007

Starting to Eat Vegetables

Since I can remember, I have been telling myself that I need to teach Jonathan to eat more variety of foods, including vegetables. As a baby, he was great at eating his veggies baby food and then fruits. But as his symptoms got worse, so did his diet. He craved rice carbs and started to reject vegetables and most fruits (with the exception of bananas and apples).

For about 2 weeks I have been researching what to do about his gut, as I know that that keeps being one of his major problems. So I reached out to several yahoo groups and everything pointed back to GF/CF SCD (specific carbohydrate diet). Yasko recommends GF/CF low protein diet. So I feel a bit lost. Nonetheless, one thing I know I need to work on is getting more veggies and fruits in his body. I'll worry about the protein next month.

All week I have been giving Jonathan different veggies. He gagged the first 2 days with the carrots and broccoli. But it is getting easier and easier. Today he ate a carrot, broccoli and cauliflower. And I gave him a small piece of tilapia fish (I know, I am trying to get the mercury out and the last thing I need to give him is fish, but I want him to learn to eat everything), and he ate it and liked it. Big progress.

This past week, Jonathan has been behaving very well. He has surprised us with new behaviors and language. For instance, all week he has been interested in drawing and playing with pretend toys and has not played with his computer or leapster. On Friday, he did not suck his thumb all afternoon and just a small bit before dinner. He has been playing with Vanessa and they have been fighting a lot because they want to do opposite activities. And today, he wanted something, so he went to my dad and told him in his ear (as a secret) to help him put a movie in the basement. He had never done that (speak a secret into someone's ear spontaneously).

We spent the weekend at aunt Nelci and uncle Billy's house. Jonathan was very playful. It was raining, so he watched a couple of movies. But as soon as the sun came out and we asked him if he wanted to go outside, he ran out and told me that he wanted to go outside and play. He and Vanessa played with the dog's agility training equipment.

Jonathan is able to tolerate the VSL#3 probiotics. The first week was rough, but he is doing rather well.

Today I noticed that he cried a lot (usually sign of detox) and his tongue was whiter than normal (usually sign of bacterial infection or detox). We'll see how it is in a couple of days.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Alex,

I found your blog on the web as we are considering Yasko for our 7 yo who is high functioning. We are desperate but don't have a lot of money. He is very anxious and throwing a lot of tantrums but is also very intelligent....
I don't know if we could correspond about Yasko or not (I know how busy you must be) but I might be able to be a help w/ diet. We've been CF since 5 mos of age and GF for about 4 mos. I cook a LOT. Our son wasn't eating much fruit but now is. Does yours like banana? We make a GREAT sorbet that I could tell you about. I'm not sure how to have you contact me....maybe post something on your blog and I'll try to check back w/ you later this week. We also, by the way, cook very low meat, fish, etc. We eat lots of grains, beans and veggies. I have a good oven fried sweet potato recipe that my kids love.
Sincerely, Adrienne

and so glad to hear that your boy is doing so well!