Monday, October 8, 2007

3 Weeks After HBOT Ended

Jonathan is doing better than the past 2 weeks. He is back to being interested in new things like cutting a pumpkin open, and being at the pool. This weekend he played a great deal with other kids. So having him back to the way he was a few weeks back is comforting.

So I decided to start the EDTA/DMPS chelation. I have enough for 2 months and I started with one EDTA suppository on Friday and one DMPS suppository on Sunday. It is too soon so see any changes. I also increased all his minerals.

Today I switched to Kirkman Lab's Cod Liver Oil. It has more Vitamin A than the other brands and I am going to give the high Vitamin K2 protocol a try. I purchased the VSL#3 probiotics, but it is so strong that I'll wait until the weekend to start it , in case he gets sick.

This weekend we were really bad and broke his GF/CF diet. I noticed on Saturday after he ate Gluten that he started to make noises with his throat like he had something in his throat. A few hours later, he was okay. I noticed the same thing yesterday and today. I am going to do a better job to keep him off gluten and casein as it is obvious that he is still sensitive to them.

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