Monday, October 15, 2007

4 Weeks after HBOT Ended

Jonathan is making a nice come back. He had regressed a bit after we finished the HBOT, but I am starting to see more language but even better, more understanding of what people think and feel.

I have to add that I started him on the high Vitamin K protocol late last week. I added 5mg a day of vitamin K2, increased his Cod Liver Oil to 10,000 IU of Vitamin A, increased his magnesium citrate to 300 mg, kept his Vitamin E at 400 IU, and added the new probiotics VLS#3. The teacher told daddy today that she noticed that Jonathan was a bit more timid and put on his hood a lot. That is his normal behavior when he is having yeast die-off. So that tells me that the VLS#3 is working. His stools were softer than normal and stinky. So I am going to keep an eye on that for the next week or two. If that has not gotten better in 2 weeks, I’ll order another stool analysis to check what is going on. The one item I have not added is the sodium bicarbonate which I know is critical. I ordered it from Klaire Labs, but I bought the cooking type, and I’ll start giving it to him tonight.

I took a urine sample today to check if he is dumping metals and how his minerals are doing. I should have the results next week.

Regarding behavior, this weekend was a bit odd. I know a side effect from the Vitamin K protocol. We took Jonathan to a play date with 6 other kids (3 of which were his age). He at first didn’t want to play. I fed him and he decided to play 15 minutes after he finished eating. They were playing pirates and other pretend games and he preferred to play the piano instead. He did join them when they played hide and seek. And at times, he was argumentative with them, demanded them to do certain things and when they didn’t listen, he spoke like his teacher again. I noticed that he starts to pretend he is his teacher when he tries to put order. But on Sunday, he did not play like that with Vanessa at all. As a matter of fact, they were chasing each other and touching each other saying “gotcha!”. When it was Jonathan’s turn to do that, I was scared that he was going to push Vanessa to the floor when he reached her. But instead, he barely touched her back and said “gotcha”. He was so gentle. Then they wrestled and again Jonathan was very gentle. Then Vanessa fell down and hit herself and Jonathan was so concerned. More than he has even been.

Today, I finished painting his room. He wanted to help and I let him help a bit. Then, as I started to clean up, he put his hand on the wet wall and fell down to the carpet. I saw it and said “Oh no Jonathan”. I did not raise my voice, just said those words. He was sooooo concerned. He kept telling me “I am sorry mommy, I am sorry. It was an accident. I am sorry” and his expression was so genuine. I told him not to worry, that it was an accident and took him to the bathroom to wash his hand. Needless to say that he did not touch the wall again J.

He has been showing a bit of his old OCD – playing with music CDs, putting DVDs in the DVD player on and off without a reason. I don’t know what that VSL#3 is going. Too many microorganism (225 billion). It is strong. I started taking it myself and I had a bad cramp that lasted over an hour. I guess the discomfort translates differently for kids on the spectrum because he has not complaint of pain, but has been behaving differently.

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