Monday, October 22, 2007

5 Weeks after HBOT Ended: Very Engaged

This weekend was great. We took the kids on Saturday to an amusement park and they had a blast. Jonathan was very interested in all the games, the roller coasters (for kids), the caves, everything. It is the first time that I see him so curious and excited to be in an amusement park. Last year at Disney, we suffered trying to get him to pay attention to Mickey Mouse. This past Saturday, we could not keep up with him. As soon as we were done, he would ask "what's next? I want to play another game". Music to my ears. Here is a video clip and some pictures.

Jonathan has been on the K2 protocol for 1.5 weeks. He seemed off from Wednesday of last week until Saturday morning. The teacher even made a comment that he seemed a bit different. But since Saturday afternoon, something has changed. It could be HBOT, or it could be K2 or both.

I received his Plasma test results. The kid is not absorbing much of the minerals that I am supplementing. And his calcium is in the high red zone, which I don't supplement (and he doesn't drink milk). Therefore, the high Vitamin K protocol makes sense. He cannot channel the calcium appropriately. I have removed all the morning gut herbs and I am just going to give all the other supplements to see if the vit K protocol works even better.

Tonight we went to a restaurant with our friends and their kids and his interaction was phenomenal. After eating (he was very hungry), he played with the kids all evening. He followed them. They joined 2 birthday celebrations. He noticed everything that was going on and told on one of the kids. Amazing. Tonight was amazing form me to witness. Whatever that, I hope it lasts.

Then, just before going to bed, he asked if he could play playstation. We said 15 minutes. Then, went I returned to turn it off, he said "mom, how can it get rid of the sister?". I think this is the first well thought-out "how" I have ever heard him say.

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