Thursday, March 29, 2007

(HBOT 3) - It Is Getting Easier As Expected

Jonathan woke up normally, a bit druggie as usual, but once he came downstairs he was very engaged with Vanessa and with the program on TV. When I went to give him his morning supplements, he corrected me when I pointed out the program that was on TV. I said it was Sesame Street and he said: "No mommy, it's Blue's Clues", without asking him or prompting him. Then he said what sounded like "Steve". I asked him what that was and he said: "his name is Steve". Given that he never points out people's names, that was nice to hear. Then he told me that his shirt was orange. Another great remark. He never pays attention to what people are wearing.

I didn't receive too many feedbacks today from his 2 schools, but one did say that he was more observational today. :)

HBOT Day 3

When we got the the trailer, Jonathan was very calm. I was happy to see that because he did not have a good experience yesterday. As soon as we arrived, he got off the car and went right into the trailer. He said hi to everyone. I decided to put special earplugs that I got to see if they would help him with the pressurization. He let the technician put them on without complaining - he was actually excited to try something new. Then we put his neck seal. Again, no complaints. He realized that the movie inside the trailer had started and wanted to go inside - but he made sure I was coming after him.

Inside the chamber, he had trouble with his ears and the pressurization again. But this time he made me cover his ears with my hands, put his hands on top of mine, put a lot of pressure on them, and remained as calm as possible. He did scream a couple of times, but not terribly. When the pressurization was done, I put his hood on (no complaints) and he turned his oxygen on (he learned yesterday how to do it). We watched Thomas and then the Wiggles. He even danced with the Wiggles (he can stand up inside the chamber). We cannot have anything with metal inside the chamber - no jewelry, no cameras, nothing. So I will not be able to take pictures inside.

When we left, we went to Whole Foods to buy food , and he for the first time was very engaged, wanted to pick out all the fruits and vegetables himself. We even had a pretty cool conversation on bananas. The bananas were green and he wanted them yellow because green bananas are hard. I told him that we would buy the green bananas but would not eat them until Saturday and he was very content with the proposal. Then he saw the refrigerators with frozen pizzas and asked to buy one. When we got home, he ran to his dad and said: "Look what I've got Daddy, Pizza. Cook it please". He even showed Daddy where to put it.

It was a good day. Very small improvements, but undeniably they make a big difference to us. Baby steps.

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