Thursday, March 1, 2007

Obsessed with Order

I noticed that in the past 3 days, Jonathan has been obsessed with ensuring that things are in order. If he is watching a movie, and the movie ends, he wants it out of the DVD and will not transition to the next activity until it is done. Same with the PlayStation, same with his music CD. I took him to a public restroom today and he would not quit telling me to lock the door until I did.

This behavior is not normal in him. So it might be a reaction to Valtrex. If so, that actually makes me happy. Based on anecdotal events, I have heard that Valtrex produces regression. In some kids it lasts about a month. I just started Valtrex up again last Thursday after having taken a long 5 month break.

Per Dr. Yasko, Jonathan has severe B12 deficiency. I need to give him Methyl B12 in every shape or form. If I give him too much, he makes too much ammonia and that throws everything off. So I am doing the shots 3 times a week, the nasal spray daily (2 squirts) and I give him B12 in tablets. I have not done the patches yet. I had run out of the shots and they arrived today. I put one tonight. Hopefully he will do fine tomorrow. I hate it when he regresses.

1 comment:

Bea said...

I am so with you, I hate regression too especially after a lot of progression!!!!Did you see any difference with the B12??The tablets dont do much for Dessi, but the patches are great.
I have heard a lot of stories about valtrex, lots of them about regressions and then gains.We are not that far yet. I am not looking forward to it!!!
Hang in there, we will get there