Friday, March 30, 2007

(HBOT 4) - Fun Night Out!

It has been a long day for everyone, but it ended very nicely. When I picked Jonathan up at his daycare today at around 4:45pm, I found him in a corner, on top of his green pillow that he so much likes, talking to him self and dancing strangely. He looked very autistic and it bothered me. He didn't even come to say hi as he usually does. It seemed like he was in the middle of something and he didn't want to interrupt it. That is typical autistic and that bothers me.

He was quite on the way home. When we got home, I bathed him and got him ready for the HBOT and let him play Playstation while I took a quick shower. On the way to the HBOT, he fell asleep.


No complaints today. He got into the chamber willingly. When we got in, again he hated the pressurization part. The operator stopped once this time instead of twice as he noticed that Jonathan was coping better. He cried a little, but I covered his ears and rocked. That soothed him.

He was great inside, watching videos, telling what was going on in the videos. The hour passed quickly.

On our way home, he was a bit more talkative. He took a picture of me driving with my phone, and said: "Look mommy, it's you!". And he was hungry. He said he wanted chicken with rice, and I tried to negotiate out of it, but nothing. So when we got home, Vanessa wanted to go to the movies and Jonathan wanted to go to eat chicken with rice. So we did both.

We had a nice time. They behaved very nicely while we were eating and they both tolerated the movie all the way to the end. He played with Vanessa. Jonathan seemed more aware of his surroundings this evening.

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