Today, he woke up very alert and his language was incredible. He had a great conversation this morning in bed with Vanessa regarding a couple of books that he wanted to read. He was calm, asked Vanessa which book he could read, invited Vanessa to go to his room to play and pick out more books. There were a couple of occasions that his language was so normal that both Javier and I opened our eyes and stared at each other in amazement.
Later he went to Silver Diner with the rest of the family (I stayed home) and he had a huge waffle with scrambled eggs. When he got home, I could see it in his eyes that the gluten had gotten to his brain. He looked like he was drunk, in drugs or something and he was very demanding. He did not want to do anything we asked him, he was in his world. We restricted his gluten intake the rest of the day and by bedtime he was doing better.
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