Jonathan had a great day today. He did remarkably better today at the GMS Institute than in the past. I also got a great note from his afternoon Preschool teacher indicating that he was energetic and very engaged today.
2 days ago I started him back on all the supplements I had run out (about 15 in addition to what he was taking). I added them all at the same time. So perhaps this nice day was due to them. I also added Mood D (for Dopamine) RNA. 2 drops in the morning and 2 drops in the afternoon. Could it be that this RNA is leveling his dopamine levels?
Today's conversational language was nice. Pronunciation was very good. Attitude towards transition of activities better than in several weeks. He had trouble playing with the kids in his preschool, but he did very well with his activities and paying attention to the teachers and following directions. Playing with kids his age is still a very big problem. He feels intimidated.
HBOT Day 2
As we approached the "submarine", he started to tell me that he didn't want his ears to hurt. So he is already making the connection between the two. He was a bit anxious when we arrived, but soon he got interested in the TVs inside the chamber. We put the latex neck seal on (he didn't complaint) and he got in. He made sure that I was coming with him. Once inside, he was pretty calm. When the chamber started to pressurize, his ears started to hurt him as he doesn't know how to pop them. The operator had to stop the pressurization for a couple of minutes as he adjusted. My right ear was hurting a bit, so I can imagine what he was feeling. We continued until we reached 1.5 atm again. He did well. We put the hood on, and even though it was obvious he was not comfortable, he did not cry. He did very very well today. He got anxious about 10 min before we were done, but waited. He needed to go putty and they had a small container, so he peed in the container and sat until we were done. I am so proud of my baby.
I have not seen any "wow"s after the second dive. But he is doing very well otherwise.
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