He'd better be detoxing like crazy because all the bad habits have returned and more. Shortly before he was diagnosed, Jonathan was obsessed with playing with my hair. He would not look at my eyes, just play with my hair. After the diagnosis and after I learned a little bit about the odd behaviors, I started playing with him so he would look at my eyes.

I would put my forehead against his and look at his eyes and tell him in a playing manner to look at me because I could only see one eye ("un ojo" in Spanish). We played like that for a long time. Eventually he stopped it. His eye contact had gotten almost perfect until this week. Today I asked him to look at me and he just wouldn't. Tonight, we went to a restaurant with our best friends (Brooke and Luis), and he refused to play with the other kids, insisted that he wanted to sit on his chair until dinner was served and then he came to my laps and started playing with my hair and putting his face against mine and saying "un ojo". I feel very connected to him this way, but I also know it is not normal. So I am happy and sad at the same time.

What is confusing is that he is regressing on many behaviors yet he is not losing language. Although today he did not remember our friends' names. However, he was able to easily articulate what he wanted and didn't want to do. I need to order the Urine Toxic Metal test to see what is going on. I also have the suspicion that he has bad bacteria in his gut that I have not been able to kill with the herbs that Yasko recommended. I need to do another comprehensive stool analysis test soon.
Tonight I started giving him extra Cod Liver Oil and extra Yasko HHC Multivitamins. So I expect the regression to be even worse over the weekend.
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