When I got home tonight, Jonathan received me with a big smile and with Grover. He had Grover give me a "hello" kiss and he was in a very good mood. He went back to the couch and sat him down and started talking to him. Then he came to me and Grover told me

that he wanted Mommy's camera. That was great. I took a picture of Grover and Jonathan and then Jonathan told me to take a picture of Vanessa. So I did. This is a big deal because this is the second time he has ever acknowledged a stuffed animal (peluche) and even more amazing the fact that he is starting to use the toys to express his feelings. I posted last week that he had done it once. Today was the second time. And today it lasted for over 1 hour.
We watched NO TV tonight. Jonathan played for a long time with Grover and Vanessa. Then they went to the garage

together to check it out (exploring around the house). We ate and Jonathan asked if he could play with the PlayStation. And we told him yes. It is really helping with his hand/eye coordination. He is really getting good.
On a separate note, I sent an email to the school teach asking to add OT and Visual therapy to the areas to be assessed. The teacher indicated that she was going to forward our request to the school psychologist for review and to see if we needed to call in a meeting. I haven't heard. But this school situation is starting to become a bit stressful. Javier has called a few private schools. The Reston Montessori seems open to it, and we have heard very good things about it. I just don't think that Montessori Methodology is what Jonathan needs. We are going to visit them soon.

Jonathan is losing his bottom teeth. The one to the left is almost out. I could almost grab it, but Jonathan wouldn't let me. He is probably going to swallow it. But they really bother him and he plays with them every day. Too cute. The permanent teeth are visible. They almost seem to be too far back.
1 comment:
I love the toothpicture, so cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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