Saturday, March 17, 2007

Not Feeling Very Social Lately

This week has been relatively hard to swallow. Jonathan is doing well at school, his language keeps getting better, he seems more attentive to what we tell him, but he is not feeling very social. He avoids any social encounters, he is very VERY whiny lately. If we say something that he doesn't like, he cries. It has been hard to manage. I have found my self screaming more often than what I can control it. I really try to control it, I breathe hard and deep. But boy, is it hard!. On one hand, I know that this is happening because he is detoxing, but on the other hand I feel that it is worse than normal because I ran out of all the Yasko Ora products (Ora-Liv, Ora-Pancreas, and Ora-Placenta) and his body is having a hard time regulating. I placed an order today of 11 supplements. I am hoping that he will be better next Saturday (his birthday).

Last night we went to visit our dearest friends Luis and Brooke and he did not want to join the other 3 kids. He did not want to sit and eat with them (as you can see in this picture, Vanessa, Nico and Christian are eating and Jonathan is standing away, his plate and juice on the table but he refused to sit and eat with them. Later he ate when everyone stood up), or play with them. He had his CD in his hand and all he wanted to do was to listen to it in Luis' PC. Later he even convinced Brooke to put it on the DVD. There was a small period of time when the kids were plying with a domino type game and he joined. But mostly he sucked his thumb and watched TV, or listened to the CD in the laptop.

Today, we had a birthday party. It was a pool party. When we arrived, Jonathan had a meltdown. He was terrified of going to the pool and insisted that he wanted to eat pizza. He started screaming until I told him that we would go find a place that sold pizza. Daddy and Vanessa stayed and his Grandma accompanied us to the pizza place. He ate about 4 slides and was in a much better mood by the time he was done. So we went back. He again was terrified of being there: did not want to go in the pool, did not want to be in the large room with the other people and kids, did not want to eat cake (which is very rare - he never passes an offer for cake). He insisted he wanted to go home. So to calm him down, I gave him my digital camera and he was happy for about 20 minutes.

At home, he just wanted to play video games with a small portable Disney video game player. I sat with him for a while and played with him (helped him win, showed him how to play other games, etc.) and he was completely engaged.

Is it sensory due to yeast? Is it detox? or both? I think both. I am hoping that the supplements arrive by Tuesday so his body adjusts by Saturday.

Days like today make me very depressed, very sad.


Bea said...

Sorry to hear you had a hard day, I hope your supps arrive soon. I always go back to Amys site and read all the stories of other parents and how there kids came out detox. I think of you. What are you planning for the birthday?I hope so much that jonathan will have a "good day"!!!!

Alex & Javier said...

I am going to make it very simple for his birthday. I am going to take him with me to pick out the theme and buy a few plates. I am going to order a cake, and we are going to have a few friends over. He will not play with any of the kids, so I don't want to make a big party and have to stress over the fact that all he wants to do when he shuts down is play with video games. Small and outside (it should be warmer) should make it fun for him. I am going to go to the Yasko site and read some of the anecdotes. That always helps and I forget to do that. Thanks for being there.
