Thursday, July 12, 2007

He Can Swing by Himself

I mentioned it a couple of days ago, but it amazes me so much every time I see it, that I taped him tonight. He can swing without help. Excellent motor planning, and much improved muscle tone. He can control his body much better.

He had another great day at the new summer camp. When we arrived, the volunteer that worked with him yesterday complemented him a lot. She told me that she had a great time with him yesterday. He is very sweet and fun to be with. He is a very happy and smart kid and they had a great time together. That is always so great to hear.

Today another kid hit him. The kid didn't injure him but apparently Jonathan made a big deal. I have noticed that he cannot regulate his emotions. When he talks, he screams. When he is excited, he screams. When he is upset, he screams. I keep telling him to keep his voice down. He does it for 1 second and goes back to being extra loud. I need to work on that.

We took the dog out for a walk today for the first time in months. I want to walk Kaiser every day now that is summer because the backyard is getting infected with mosquitoes and flies from his stools (nasty, I know). I want the kids to be able to play freely in the backyard. The 2 kids and I took flashlights and walked 2 blocks down. They had such a good time walking him, following him. They had never seen Kaiser urinate and were fascinated. Funny. They asked me if we can do it again tomorrow. Let's see how it goes.

The kids had a blast tonight during bath time. Jonathan now likes to bathe with Vanessa and loves to have toys in the bathtub. He liked toys when he was younger (2 years and less), but for the past 3 years he has not enjoyed bath time much. Hated to have his face wet. Now, he undresses on his own, calls Vanessa to get in first so she can be closer to the faucet and then gets in. He hated to be in the tub with Vanessa before and hated to be touched by Vanessa. They he doesn't even notice when Vanessa is close to him or touches him. They play lots of wrestling games outside the bath, so he is getting used to the touch sensory. Today, they had a great time drawing on the ceramic tiles. I had bought water crayons years ago and Jonathan had never been interested. He found them 2 days ago under the sink and now wants them everyday. They painted cubes and a house and a sun. By the time I got the camera, they had already erased everything. All that can be seen is a few line on the tub. I'll try to take better pictures next time.


Bea said...

So great to read you blog. It seems like Jonathan is a different child!!How much is the HBOT treatment, I heard its quite expensive.

Alex & Javier said...


He really is transforming in front of our eyes. That is why I stopped all other behavioral therapies to invest on another set of 40 dives starting in 2 weeks. Each dive is approx. $100. The experts recommend 3 sets of 40 dives each, with 8 to 10 week-break in between. Apparently, there is permanent change after 35 dives. I don't think Jonathan would have reacted this well if I hadn't been doing 2.5 years of intense biomed. The majority of the metal burden and viral and bacterial burden were treated, and now the oxygen is helping the body regenerate. Who knows why, but it is truly amazing.
