Saturday, July 14, 2007

Spontaneously Made References of Other People

Jonathan amazes me daily. Today, I asked him what T-shirt he wanted to wear, and he picked out one from the Disney movie Ratatouille. I put it on and pointing to it he said "look mommy, it is the mouse from Ratatouille movie. Abuelita Turia gave it to me". Abuielita (GrandMa) Turia is my mother. He said it spontaneously, which surprised me because he had not made references on his own of gifts received from people in the past. It also surprised me because my mom has been gone for a week and he still remembers her name. When she came in December, he did not remember her name a couple of days later. If I pointed out a picture to him and ask him to tell me her name, he couldn't and seemed uninterested. He wouldn't either spontaneously make references about gifts that people gave him. If I asked him, sometimes he could tell me. Especially the ones that Abuita (GrandMa Nelly) gave him. But never like today.

Then, about 10 minutes later, I came back in the room and he was playing with his Leapster L-Max toy connected to the TV. He said "mommy, what happened to my old Leapster toy? Is it broken? Where is my green Leapster toy?" and I told him that the green one got lost at the beach (which he already knew, but asked anyway) and that the old one was broken. Then he said "but look mommy, I have a new Leapster toy. It is the L-Max Leapster toy. Abuelita Turia gave it to me". That shocked too. Then he said "and Christian has a Leapster L-Max too, and we can share cartridges". Now that made me open my mouth. He had never EVER made a reference spontaneously about Christian. Christian is 5 also. Their parents are our best friends. And we have always been sad that they never clicked, never bonded. But at the beach they did a bit. And Jonathan and I carried on a conversation about that topic for about 5 minutes. Outstanding!

We then went to meet with our friends Christian and Nico and Tio Luis and Tia Brooke, had lunch and headed to a park that was new to us. Very nice part built for kids "of all abilities" as the sign at the entrance said. The kids had a terrific time. Played in a maze, swings, slides, carousel, etc. Here are some pictures. We spent about 3 hours there. After that, we went to eat ice cream. Jonathan wanted Chocolate ice cream. He saw a kid with a sugar cone, and told me that he wanted it in a cone. I ordered it but soon after he put the ice cream in a cup and ate it with a spoon. Then I decided to show him how to eat the sugar cone. He hesitated and I told him it was a cookie. He tried it and loved it. The I put some ice cream inside and he said "mmm, mommy, this cone is delicious". We all laughed.

After that we went home and the kids were exhausted, so evening was pretty uneventful. We had an excellent day!

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