Sunday, July 15, 2007

Lots of Crying This Morning - Detox???

This morning was rough. I am not sure if it was detox, hunger, yeast flare ups, other. But his behavior was definitely unusual. He has overcome the meltdowns and regression is always hard to re-live.

He has been pretty obsessed with playing with his L-Max Leapster toy. Is it that strep came back to his gut? I don't know. We need to recover a bit financially before I run another CDSA (stool analysis).

Last night he didn't even want to eat as all he wanted to do was play with it connected to the TV. Jonathan wants to improve his play. He likes to play and win. And if he loses, he plays until he wins, then he changes cartridges. But he likes to involve people. He likes to have Vanessa with him and he tells Vanessa what is going on. Or me, and tries to teach me and makes me play and takes turns with me. So, at least it is not a device that steals him away from this world. But it definitely steals him away from playing with his imagination.

This morning he woke up in a great mood, but soon after I got out of bed, he pointed out that he wanted to connect the device to the TV. I told him that he couldn't do it until Daddy woke up (an excuse to keep him off it). He was okay with that and patiently waited. I offered him breakfast and he declined. So I started to get concerned about his lack of appetite and dressed him and Vanessa up and told them that we were going to McDonald's to have breakfast and he could play after we ate. He didn't like it much, but complied. We went to McDonald's and he had a meltdown in front of everyone because he wanted chicken nuggets and it wasn't 11am yet. No matter what I said made him stop crying. I ordered breakfast for the rest and sat down. Jonathan kept crying until I gave him my phone and told him to watch the clock and to tell me when it was 11am. It was about 10:50am. And he calmed down and did just that. At exactly 11am he started screaming of happiness. We went to get the nuggets and because they were hot he started crying non-stop again. Then Daddy cut them up in pieces and he cried again because he wanted them in whole pieces. It was weird. He could not control his feelings. But as soon as he ate, he was transformed. He started playing with Vanessa in the indoor playground, and was in a very good mood throughout the rest of the day. And didn't cry for anything else the rest of the day.

The next thing I noticed after we got home is that he had a bowel movement with lots of white mucous in it. I think it is the third time I see mucous this year. I thought it was yeast flare ups, so I researched it in Yasko's forum group and Yasko believes that it is a sign that the gut is healing and/or metal detox. In the past, whenever Jonathan cried like that (for an insignificant thing and could not control his emotions) it was a sign of detox. I got the highest metal stool dumps after a big meltdown like this mornings. So who knows.

After that, the afternoon was pretty good, although he was very VERY silly. That is also a sign of detox. I hope so.

We went to visit my family in DC this afternoon and he was social. He even participated in a couple of conversations a the table during lunch.

I am not sure what/how I am going to make him play with that Leapster device less. We have decided to postpone the RDI sessions until next year because we decided to invest on another 40 HBOT dives. And without guidance from a consultant, I find RDI hard to follow and engage. I will do my best to grab his attention on other activities without tracking the stage. Today for instance, I showed him how to play solitaire with regular cards and he really liked it.

I didn't take pictures today.

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