Sunday, June 10, 2007

We are on Vacation!

We started our vacation this Saturday June 9th. We drove to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. We told the kids we were going to the beach for our yearly vacation 2 weeks ago and they have been very excited about it. Jonathan wanted to see the waves and the sand.

We drove for 10 hours, stopped 3 times. We arrived at midnight and the kids were already asleep. We woke up on Sunday and the kids were really excited. They wanted to go to the beach. We went to eat waffles and then to the beach.

They both loved going to the beach. We wanted to be there for 45 minutes because we were scared they would get a sunburn, but instead we stayed for almost 2 hours. They loved being in the water and having the waves hit their bodies. We taught them to turn and let the waves hit their backs. Jonathan wanted to go further in but never left our sight.

Vanessa, Jonathan and I played with the sand for a while, tried to build a castle, but I am terrible at it. We hid our feet and opened holes. After the beach we went to the pool in the resort. It is partially indoor so the sun does not hit directly. We stayed there for over 2 hours. The kids loved it. There was a small frog, it jumped on Vanessa's arm. She got very scared but then the kids had a lot of fun chasing it around. Jonathan grabbed it and let it go. Vanessa talked about the frog the rest of the day.

After that, we showered and went out to a place called Broadwalk at the Beach. They have shows and stores and restaurants. Very nice. The kids loved feeding the fish and dancing with the waiters from a 50's restaurant. Very very nice day.

I ran out of battery and couldn't take any more beach pictures :( After the beach, we went to the pool.

After the pool, we went to a shopping area called Broadway at the Beach with tons of stores and shows. Vanessa fell asleep when we arrived and slept through dinner. We got her a hot dog afterwards.

We walked around the area and fed the fish and danced and had tons of fun.


Anonymous said...


Bea said...

very cool!