As you can see, his scores are all below the age appropriate results

6 months later, all his scores have doubled and in the case of Motor Behavior (muscle tone type activities) and Perceptual activities, they tripled.

She told me that when Jonathan started in September 2006, he was very slow at every task and his muscle tone was so low, that he could not climb, pull himself up or do many of the physical activities. He progressed, slowly but surely. She then indicated that in November he had a spark of energy and wanted to participate more (that is when I introduced the mytochondrial support - NADH, ATP, Mood D RNA, BH4, SAMe and other herbs). He still had trouble with all the activities, but he seemed a bit more interested. He then had a deep down regression mid December. She had never seen him so uninterested and detached (that was when we started the Strep protocol). Then, all of a sudden he got better in April (mid way into HBOT). And the last week in May she indicated that he changed dramatically. She said that in the past month the improvements have been exponential. He is talking on his own, he does not require prompts to do his tasks or say what he wants, and when he has free time, he now loves to do the gym exercises (climb, jump in the ball pit, run, etc.)
It feels so good and reassuring when other people see the notorious improvement as well.
Areas for Improvement:
- Social Interaction with other kids his age: He has greatly improved in this area. He needs to have more play dates to learn how to play with kids his age. He also needs to improve on his eye contact. Although he has gotten better, he still has trouble greeting people.
- Speech and pragmatics: Language has bloomed. Both his expressive and receptive language have improved dramatically over the past month. Lack of language is a consequence of other internal problems. So I am correcting those so his language catches up.
- Jargon language: almost gone.
- Humming: minimally. I have heard him hum a couple of times only since last Saturday.
- Fidgety: He cannot stay still, but he is not hyper. The teacher explained that Jonathan needs extra sensory input that he obtains from moving around to balance his body to be able to regulate himself and absorb input. So the best solution is to engage him in lots of physical activities.
- Muscle Tone: he is still clumsy. He still needs work in this area.
Jonathan's drawing (trying to draw within the black lines) as of March 2007

Today's drawing. Note how he filled almost all the white space with color and used different colors for each separate section (in this case the continents). He also wrote his name at the bottom of the page very clearly giving good space between letters and keeping almost same size for all letter. Pretty remarkable.

Most Remarkable Drawing today:
Self Portrait as of May 16, 2007. He had been drawing human this way for a while.

Self Portrait today. Note that he added lots of details to this picture, including ears and eye brows, knees and elbows, and even the heart (although in the wrong location, he has an idea that the heart is somewhere in his chest). The teacher was completely blown away today when she saw this drawing.

Excellent progress! Tomorrow I will show some of the biomedical test results. Lost of aluminum dump and his CMV is gone!
Very impressive, I love the drawing!!Its so exciting to witness Jonathans recovery!!!
Que alegria !
Felicitaciones al bebé y a esos padres dedicados !
Un abrazo
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