Jonathan woke up happy and engaged. I gave him his supplements, he ate breakfast and I sent him off with Daddy to the submarine. Vanessa, Grandpa and I went to run other errands.
HBOT Day 39
It was pretty uneventful. Daddy commented that Jonathan plays almost obsessively with him inside the chamber. He never does that to me. So it is curious.
The day developed well. When I got home, I found him playing with a laptop that his uncle gave him. A present for him. He was very excited. He came to me and told me "Look mommy, this is my computer. Not mommy's, not daddy's, not abuelito's. This is mine". He sat back at his table and played with all the options that his uncle had installed. It was great to see him that like. So happy. Although I knew we had lost him for the remainder of the day.
After the majority of the kids had left, he started to play with some small cars. Daddy and Abuita helped him build a bridge. He enjoyed it. Then he went back to his new laptop.
I feel that Jonathan is not going to be a person that enjoys the crowds. And that is okay. Not everyone does. I am very happy though that he coped with the crowd. No sensory overload behaviors. And he loved the cake :)
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