Wednesday, May 23, 2007

A Day Full of Biomedical Information

I would like to start today's blog with a comment from Jonathan's school teacher that was written yesterday. It didn't make it home until today. The note speaks for itself.

"Jonathan impressed us on the playground by initiating conversations with his classmates! He joined right in and was playing. [Teacher 2] and I kept saying "is that Jonathan?!". He also responded to most questions during circle time independently. "Excuse me _____" "my turn". Great talking Jonathan :)" [Teacher 1]

DAN! Doctor's Visit

We had our semi-annual doctor's visit. I communicate with Jonathan's doctor via email constantly, but we to see him 3 times a year to draw blood. Today the Dr. got 9 tubes (small size) full of blood for his CBC panel (to make sure his liver is taking all the detox), essential elements (minerals in the blood), his glutathione/sulfur level in the blood and another viral panel to see if his titers are under control after 1 year of Valtrex.

Jonathan did really well. He was bored, but coped the entire hour. When time came to draw the blood, he was very brave. I am very proud of him. It hurt him and he cried almost silently, but as long as I was holding his hand and kissing his forehead, he was strong. We will know the results in 3 weeks.

The Dr. told me that there really wasn't anything new in this year's DAN! conference. Although he does not follow the Yasko protocol, he is very open-minded. He knows that I am 100% Yasko at this point, but I need the blood work and the Rx (Methyl B12, Valtrex and Dyflucan). The relationship that I have built is very important. And he was very impressed when he saw Jonathan yesterday. He is another child compared to how he was 2.5 years ago when we first saw him. The Dr. is very optimistic towards Jonathan's recovery. But that doesn't give me the confidence to stay put. I need to keep looking for that silver bullet.

Monthly Biomed Parent's Group

I joined a parent's support group in my area a few months ago organized by very intelligent and well-versed parents that have been doing heavy-duty biomedicine for longer than me. I believe they started meeting just a handful of them over a year or more ago, and their dinner meetings have turned into a huge parent's gathering now. I am not sure if they realize how wonderful and inspiring they are. There are 3 moms and 1 dad in particular that are always on top of what is going on. I look up to them. They are all very open to helping, very humble and very empathetic. I honestly can say that knowing them has made a huge impact in my life and towards Jonathan's recovery. I would not have switched over to Yasko 100% and done HBOT and now RDI if I had not met them.

We meet once a month and the coordinator keeps us in shape. We don't have a doctor to guide us. Just us, our experiences, anecdotes, limited knowledge of the biochemistry of the human body through Yasko's protocol and intuition. And every month I learn a great deal and I feel extremely motivated to keep going. It has definitely been very positive for me to be able to meet with other parents doing what I do, feeling what I feel and exchange information and help each other. The focus is getting our kids better and everyone comes in good spirits and ready to listen and help.

Today was very good because I learned about 3 very exciting things:
  1. Forever Healthy Diet: a diet that rotates food every 5 days (food groups cannot be repeated for 5 days). It has reported very good results with many kids. It is supposed to provide the correct amount of nutrients and intestinal culture the body needs to function properly.

  2. Yasko RNA Metals Program: I have always been intimidated by it. But tonight I feel that this is going to be my next biomedical step. I am going to put a program together, ask our doctor for enough UTM kits so I can collect weekly urine samples and start as soon as school is over.

  3. Brain Mapping: this therapy has been used by many folks with developmental delays successfully. This particular organization (Crossroad Institute) focuses on several functions of the brain and targets more areas than the conventional brain mapping therapy. Something very interesting to consider.
Very informative day.


Bea said...

Thanks for the info, so great that you found a support group, how far is it from you?

Alex & Javier said...

Hi Bea. The group is local. Different parents volunteer to host the event every month, but we keep it in a centralized area so that folks from Northern Virginia, DC and Maryland can easily get to their houses. It is usually about 7 miles from my house. It truly is very healthy. I have met many people and I feel more support than in CK2 and other Yahoo groups.

Thanks for reading.
