HBOT Day 38
Jonathan did really well today. Inside the chamber, the movie that they had on today was the magical schoolbus. Jonathan knew what it was (probably from daycare) and really enjoyed the show. He followed the plot closely and kept commenting to me what was going on. Again, he continued to be very sweet, loving, emotional.
We went to Joe's Crab today again and he didn't want to play with the other kids as usual, but h actively participated in Vanessa birthday celebration and played with a couple of toys. No phones, no electronic toys. After he finished dinner, he did join the other kids. Great to see that.
When we got home, he initiated play with Vanessa: hide and seek. It was really cute to watch them. Vanessa got tired after 4 times and started playing with her dolls. Jonathan decided to play with his wackamo toy. I joined him for a bit. Then they played with horses around the house. We took them to bed and he was in a very good mood.
He was quite conversational today. Always about the stuff he likes and he also asked a lot of questions. The teacher sent a note saying that today for the first time, when she said "all kids with blue pants move forward", he looked at his pants, and when realized that he had blue pants, he moved forward. They have been working on this all year.
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