Tuesday, May 22, 2007

First Haircut with Magnetic Clipper

Something incredible happened this morning while I was driving the kids to school. First of all, Jonathan's anxieties have made a turn. He is really controlling his emotions. When we got in the car this morning to go to the daycare, Vanessa asked me to turn the DVD player on. I told her that I would do that as soon as I buckled Jonathan up. Jonathan heard me say that and immediately sat in his chair. That was interesting.

I turned Vanessa and Jonathan's DVD players on and sat down. She likes one of the commercials in the movie that was on. Jonathan had the remote control and asked Vanessa if she wanted him to press the menu button. Since Vanessa did not respond, he pressed it. Not very logical, but he interpreted the silence as an "ok". Well, Vanessa wanted to watch the Barbie commercial and started crying. Jonathan said "oh no Vanessa, I am sorry. Please don't cry Vanessa". His voice sounded so genuinely concerned, and he immediately pressed stop. I told him to press stop twice and then the play button. He did it a couple of times but he could still not get the Barbie commercial back. So when we arrived to the daycare, he said to Vanessa: "I'm sorry Vanessa, I cannot fix it". Talk about a WOW. I felt like crying at that moment. This is how my wonderful morning started.

When I arrived home after work, Jonathan and Vanessa were playing. His grandmother told me that a friend came over and the 3 of them went bike riding (with supervision). They came home and played in the playground and then downstairs. The friend left and Jonathan and Vanessa kept playing. They were pretending that he was a cow and a horse and Vanessa was feeding him.

First haircut with magnetic clipper and trimmer

Since Jonathan was a baby, he was unable to tolerate getting a haircut with the clippers and trimmers. We have tried every cartoon cuts in the area. The best we have been able to do is cutting with scissors. So we usually let his hair grow out of control because the trip to the hair cuttery place is always a nightmare. But today was different. We went to the mall to get Jonathan a haircut. His hair was totally out of control. I told him this morning that we would go get his hair cut and he remembered. He sat down and understood everything the woman told him. Responded to everything she asked him. He thought that the water spray was pretty funny. Only 6 months ago, spraying the water in his head triggered terrible screams. Today he laughed. Then she started cutting with scissors and he was fine. When the clipper came, I did not make a big deal. The woman had Jonathan touch it and he liked it. He let her cut the back hair with the clipper. He moved a bit, but kept telling me that it was funny and tickled. Then the trimmer came. He had never EVER allowed the trimmer. I was so excited, I forgot to take a picture. But today, he let the woman finish the haircut with the trimmer. I feel that between Yasko and the HBOT, his nervous system is starting to balance out.

After that, we went to Cheesecake for dinner and the entire time, Jonathan and Vanessa played with each other, throwing a stuffed animal to each other. Jonathan was curious about everything. He decided to try the salt out. He was going to try the pepper, but we told him that that was only to be sprinkled on food. He did not ask us for our phones, he did not suck his thumb. His interest the entire time was to play with Vanessa.

Although he has been interested in watching the GPS when we are in the car, he is not interested in playing with it himself outside the car. No electronic toys in the past 3 days. All he wants to do is play. :) Very exciting.


Bea said...

Its so exciting to read the progress!!! BIG WOW!!!

Anonymous said...

Wow - good for you! Good for Jonathan!