Sunday, April 15, 2007

(No HBOT) Laid Back Day at Home

We didn't have HBOT today. They called early to tell us that the oxygen didn't arrive yesterday as expected and for safety reasons, they were cancelling everyone's sessions. We stayed home all day because it rained and no one felt like dealing with the rain and crowded shopping centers.

Jonathan played with the Playstation on and off during the day. He also played with on my laptop again on and off during the day. He joined Vanessa in the afternoon for some pretend play and wrestling :) Here are some pictures.

Tonight, shortly after Jonathan fell asleep, he sat on his bed crying softly. I came by to check on him, and he had his eyes closed and was sweating. I asked him what was going on, but he didn't answer. He didn't even open his eyes. And went back to his pillow, put his thumb in his mouth and kept on sleeping. I am thinking that he had a night terror. Javier thinks that the nightmare could be because of the Playstation. I need to watch this closely.

Supplements Adjustments:

I re-adjusted his supplements a bit today. I am sure that he will have a reaction as he always does, but I think that this is important. I mainly lowered the dosage I was giving him for mitochondrial support (cut ADT and BH4 down to half the dosage). He has been weird these past days (specially Friday) and the HBOT technician mentioned to me at the beginning that HBOT increases mitochondrial reactions in the body.

I am also giving him extra herbs to help loosen up his stools. When he was a baby, he had terrible constipation. After starting the DAN! protocol, it fluctuated. With Yasko, his bowel movements have been very good. The past week has been hard on him. He cried yesterday because he was very constipated. I also heard that the HBOT plays a role in unbalancing the gut.

1 comment:

Bea said...

LOVE the pics, very cute