Jonathan had a pretty good day today. He spent all day at the daycare, and when he got home he was happy and energetic. He negotiated with me how many minutes of Playstation he would play after bath. It was quite comical. To my amazement, he got totally undressed and then dressed himself up for the first time EVER (pants, shirt, socks). He did not even want me to help him. He put his t-shirt backwards and when I pointed it out, he said: "oopsy, that was silly". This is very exciting.
He knows we need to leave at 5:20pm. It was 5:03pm and he knew he had a few minutes to play Playstation. Right at 5:20pm he said: "Mom, it's 5:20. It's time to go!".
HBOT Day 10
Okay. Jonathan is a complete professional by now. He now knows the drill at the HBOT trailer. When we arrived, he said hi to the technician, took his shoes off, climbed right inside the chamber. No problems. I got in, and he immediately asked me to cover his ears and we sat and watched TV while we were being pressurized. After that, he helped me turn the oxygen on, he put his hood on and we watched TV. Today they had a "sign language" movie on, and he was imitating them quite well.
Today, the oxygen regulator was acting up. We normally put the pressure at 20, but he was not getting enough oxygen inside the hood, so I talked to the technician and even though she did something outside to fix it, I had to increase the oxygen flow to 35 (which is really really high) just so that he would get his hood filled. I played with it the entire hour. I hope he got enough oxygen for the money we have to pay for each dive (session).
When we finished, he got off and ran to the TV station where they play the DVDs (go figure he knows where it is already). He told the technician that he wanted to turn it off, and she told him that he could do it. He was very excited. Then came down to where I was and told me that he was very excited because he turned the DVD off.
Recap. I think we all had a terrible day yesterday. Not just autism, but moodwise everyone was simply not having a good day. Today was much better. Jonathan's language was good (although Tuesday has been his best day so far) and appropriate and better focused than yesterday. He was not as hyper. And he was in a really good mood all the time. He normally has a hard time regulating his volume (he really screams when he talks but Daddy tends to do that - it runs in Daddy's family - so it could be genetics). But I tell him that he is screaming and he lowers the volume.
When we arrived at home, his grandmother was waiting for us and invited us over to Olive Garden for dinner. I was not very thrilled after last night's experience, but I gave him an enzyme pill and we went.
I took a few pictures of Jonathan eating his spaghetti. He has a routine where he has to have Parmesan cheese in a different plate and he uses his fingers to grab some from the plate and put it on his spoonful of pasta. And then, after he ate his entire plate (he is a 54 lb. great eater ), he asked Daddy to put just cheese on the plate and and the cheese alone. Today was a nice day - specially compared to yesterday.
He loves cheese:
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