Thursday, April 12, 2007

(HBOT 14) - Dragon Day

Vanessa and Dad went to the Discovery Store last night to use a gift card that Jonathan received for his birthday. It should have been Jonathan, but we figured whatever we buy from there would be a cool toy and we just don't have time with the oxygen chamber to go shopping.

When they got home, they showed Jonathan the dragon robot they bought. Jonathan did not care for it.

This morning, Jonathan woke up in a better mood, and seemed to be more on this side of the world than his. He came down early, watched TV, asked to eat cereal and then Vanessa started playing with the Dragon. Jonathan got very intriged and decided to play with it too. Here is a small video I took with my point and shoot digital camera:

HBOT Day 14

Jonathan got home after getting his allergy shots, I bathed him and we ran out the door to make it ontime. He watched Mickey Mouse Clubhouse again (I am staring to think this is borderline OCD). When we got the trailer, we got into the chamber without issues. He watched TV while I spoke with a father of another autistic child. I was shocked to learn that he was a pediatrician and his wife was a special education teacher that specializes in children with autism and had the terrible luck of having a severily affected child. It was nice to hear that although he is a pediatrician, he believes in Yasko and started her protocol 4 months ago. He doesn't believe it is yet the answer, but it is the best thing out there right now.

When we got home, Jonathan was very moody. He wanted spaghetty with cheese. And he was pushy. After eating, his mood changed. Poor thing, he was just very hungry. He played with Vanessa for a while and we took them to bed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Que tripa el Dragon!