We was quiet on the way to the HBOT. He was playing with his Leapster toy and paying attention to the traffic lights and telling me when stop, slow down or hurry up and go. I tried to have a conversation with him, and he did well for the first couple of minutes. Then I asked him a more complicated question, and he hesitated, as he could not find the words and then said: "Mommy I don't want to talk anymore". I realized that he had everything in his head, but his apraxia won't let him express it.
HBOT Day 24
Today it was cooler. The technician fixed the A/C unit last night, so the chamber was comfortable. We got in and today Jonathan had a bit of trouble with the compression. His ears bothered him. He must have a bit of fluids due to allergies. I'll call the doctor tomorrow and order a prescription for Zyrtek.
We watched Dora the entire hour. Jonathan was totally into it. He answered all of Dora's questions, and laughed when it was funny. When we finished, he asked me where we were going and I told him that we needed to go to the grocery store to get bananas and then home. I knew he wanted to go to Toys R Us, but he has so many cartridges that I figured he would forget.
Well, he didn't. But instead of screaming at me, he invented a Dora story. He told me that I was Boots, he was Dora, he called the Map to map out the route he wanted. His motor planning was very nice and complex. He told me that we were first going to the grocery store, then toy store and finally home. He used his imagination, and pointed me to this pretend ideas (a bad guy was in the corner of the car, etc.). It was fun to play.
His receptive language has improved greatly in the past two weeks. But his expressive language has really improved. We desperately need a speech therapist. I think we need to work on some pronounciations and tones. And even though he still gets stuck with complex questions, he has improved soooo much in this area. Still not age appropriate, but definitely developing nicely.
One thing that I realized a couple of days ago as I attended a parent's group meeting is that I strongly feel that Jonathan is reacting well to the HBOT because I killed his instestinal strep. Strep feeds with oxygen, and I was scared it was going to increase. But instead, he is waking up!
What a wonderful day!
I have been lurking quite a while and love your blog. Yesterday, on the RDI board, someone asked about HBOT. I so badly want to tell them to read your blog, but I don't want to put your url up without asking. Would it be okay to recommend your site to the readers of the RDI co-occur board?
Thanks for sharing your story. It's so wonderful to hear about the progress that Jonathon continues to make with all your love and efforts.
Thanks Tammy for your nice words. I don't mind if you share my blog with your group. Thanks for asking. It is wonderful to have the support and feedback from other parents during this difficult journey. Please feel free to share my url.
Take care. Thanks for reading.
Thanks, Alex! Your url posted this morning, so I'm sure some folks will be interested in hearing what you have to say. Again, I really enjoy learning from you.
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