Friday, November 30, 2007

Comprehension is Improving Quickly

The past week, but particularly the past 2 day, we have noticed that Jonathan's little brain is comprehending things much better than he did in the past. He is now able to take what we say and paraphrase it. Which he could never do before. But he is also hearing, understanding and he is making logical statements. For instance, last weekend we were in the car and he told me "mommy, the DVDs in the car do not turn off EVEN IF the car is off" - which they do because they are portable. I was very impressed to hear him say that. She said it a couple of times actually. And he does not take what I say anymore by law. He asks "why" a lot. We argue quite a bit. "I want chocolate". "No, can't have it right now". "But why?". "Because you need to eat your dinner before you eat chocolate." "But I already ate dinner at McDonnalds". Life is rather colorful :)

Today he called me on my cell phone and asked "Mommy, where are the chocolate cones?" (the oreo cookies sugar cones that I buy for his ice cream). I told him that Vanessa broke them last night by accident. So he asked "so what are you going to do? are you going to buy more? when?" Wow, 3 questions at once. I explained that I would stop at the grocery store on my way home and I would get him some. He was sad but said "Ok".

Dr. Yasko published a list with her suggested dosage for supplements depending on mutations and results of tests. I was very excited to see that. I already collected the ones that apply to Jonathan based on his genetics and there were a few that I was missing. I'll introduce them in December and run some tests in January to see where else I need to adjust his supplements.

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