Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Veteran's Day Weekend

This weekend we met a very nice lady and her family for a play date. Her son M. is on the spectrum and is a few months younger than Jonathan. Undoubtedly we compared the two boys to give her an idea of where Jonathan was a year ago and even just a few months ago compared to now. Her son seems to be more metal toxic than Jonathan, yet he is high functioning. Which is a great position towards recovery. She is counseling with a great DAN! doctor. I wish her the best reaching that goal. Vanessa and the lady's younger son played very nicely and Vanessa kept nice memories of that play date for a few days. Jonathan was not as interactive and playful as he is at other places. I think it is because he was fascinated with a marbles game they had and wanted to play that over and over. He then played with the trains and M. for a few minutes and it was nice to watch Jonathan give M. the trains and engage in play even if it was for just a couple of minutes.

Jonathan has been a bit more obsessed these days than normal. It is funny how when a child improves, that becomes the new baseline of what we think of "normal". So a tiny bit of regression is noticed as abnormal. He has been playing video games on the PC with a particular CD for 4 days. I hid it today because he needs to disengage from that behavior. By tomorrow he probably won't even ask. Cross my fingers.

Jonathan has been making a noise with his throat as if he had something in his throat that bothered him (like allergies). I give him zyrtec and he gets weekly allergy shots. So I am not sure if it is due to the tree leaves falling down (which has affected my nose and throat and made my voice hoarse and I am on medication for that) or a reaction to a supplement or food. I am not even sure how to check. We noticed today that he doesn't scratch his throat first thing in the morning and it does start after his supplements. The only thing I added a couple of weeks ago was the Houston's Fenol enzymes. I'll finish this week and give him a break next week to compare.

We went to the shopping mall over the weekend to shop for a nice outfit for Jonathan for the Veteran's Day event he was going to have on Monday at school, and decided to have a picture with Santa taken since there was no line. It was soooo hard to get the kids to smile naturally. The staff took 6 pictures of them. They are so much more photogenic in other places. I don't know why it was so hard to get a picture with Santa. But at leased we got one semi-decent. Last year I was very sad because Jonathan looked very autistic and my dad made fun of me and told me not to react like last year. This year, the first set turned out looking very autistic. But since there was no line, I requested a second set. He looks fake, but not autistic.

Other than the obsession with the Aladdin games CD and the throat noise, he is doing quite well. He is playing a lot with Vanessa. He does seem a bit more absentminded than normal. I think he still has some severe muscle tone issues. Since we are going to have BCBS insurance starting in January, I called his old OT and requested his spot on Mondays back. They will get back to me.

On Monday they had an event at school and we dressed Jonathan up. He looked adorable, although I think he didn't feel very comfortable. His class had been rehearsing the Pledge Allegiance and he rehearsed with us a bit. Daddy attended the event and said that it went well. Jonathan sat with the rest of the class and did what the teacher told him to do.

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