Friday, October 30, 2009

6 months - 30 DMSA/ALA rounds

It has been 6 months since we started the Andy Cutler chelation protocol. Jonathan had a rough start, particularly with the intestinal yeast. But he has really adapted to it. I eliminated the intestinal yeast with a product called In-Liven. He has perfectly formed stools now and he has no other adverse reaction.

Sick for the first time in almost 2 years

For the first time in almost 2 years, Jonathan got very sick. Vanessa caught a virus from school on Monday and came home with a fever. This turned into a very high fever with a dry cough that evening and all day Tuesday. Jonathan seemed fine. I took Vanessa to the Dr's worrying that it could be H1N1, but the Dr. said that she was fine. Just a virus and that I had to keep her fever down. He expected her fever to last 24 to 32 hours. On Wednesday she was all recovered. But Jonathan came down with the same virus. It hit Jonathan harder than Vanessa. He developed an extremely high fever of 103.9 almost the entire night. I took him to the Dr's on Thursday and he came to the same conclusion. A virus and I needed to keep his fever down which proved to be challenging. Jonathan had very had fever the second night and the second day. We all got pretty scared at some point when it reached 104.5 and the Motrin was not working. I was at work and my dad bathed him with cool water and put some ice on his head. I don't recall Jonathan having such high fever since he was a baby when he had pneumonia. After 48 hours, his fever started to go down. But it was very scary. He also had a bad cough that stated to get better after 48 hours.

New School

Jonathan started in a new private school this year. This school was built for kids with certain types of learning challenges such as anxiety, ADD, and high functioning autism to mention a few. The children-teacher ratio is small so that the teachers can focus on the children. They also offer a number of therapies that we did with Jonathan via private sessions, so we don't have to do them after hours any more. We love it. Jonathan loves this new school, he is doing great and he is learning a lot.

General Observations

In the past few months, Jonathan has continued to improve. I sometimes sit back and reflect on things that he says or behaviors and realize how far he has come. The combination of the neurofeedback, the Andy Cutler chelation protocol and the new school has made a huge impact in his progress the past 6 months.

His brain continues to "wake up". And I don't notice it so much any more because it is second nature now. But I notice it more when other people point it out. When I took him to the Dr's office yesterday, his former pediatrician saw him. Jonathan doesn't like him as much as his regular Dr. because he is a bit rougher. Vanessa doesn't like him much either. The nurse took us in and asked what was going on. I explained and Jonathan added some comments and then he asked which Dr. was going to see him. The nurse told him that is was Dr. M. Jonathan's eyes opened up and he turned to me and said in low voice "I don't like Dr. M Mom. He is rough. Is he going to do the stick in the mouth?" and I said that I knew he didn't like him, but he needed to be brave. He stared at me and I said "be good and do what the Dr. tells you so it doesn't hurt. It hurts when you fight him". And he said "ok mom". When the Dr. came in the room and asked Jonathan what happened (since we had been there 2 days before with Vanessa), Jonathan had a fairly normal conversation with the Dr., explaining that he was sick and that at 2am he had 103 fever and he missed school because he was sick, etc. The Dr. checked him thoroughly and when done, Jonathan turned to me and said "I did it mom. I was brave". And I cheered him and explained to the Dr. that he didn't like the stick and that I had asked him to be brave. The Dr. asked him a few other questions and told Jonathan that he had a "big brain" like his mom, and Jonathan said "yeap, I know. Humongous". The Dr. laughed, turned and said to me "Mom, you made my day. It has been a rough day, but witnessing such miraculous progress made my day. You have done a great job with him. This is fantastic. You made my day. This is just a virus like the one Vanessa had. He'll be fine by Friday. Happy Halloween". My eyes got tearful and I thanked him. I see that there is still so much work to do, but I really appreciate outside feedback to keep me going.

He continues to be obsessed with electronics, now into listening to music and creating contacts in my iPod and sending emails to friends, family and even his school principal. We are working on a reward system so he starts earning electronic playing time because it is becoming uncontrollable.

Despite the electronics obsessions, I am very happy that he finally has gotten into Lego's. I always, since he was a baby, wanted him to play with Lego's and he never liked it. But something changed in the past few weeks. He likes the Lego's with the books so he can follow instructions. He does a very nice job completing them. It is now turning into an expensive hobby.

My concerns continue to be:
  • Expressive Language: he still says things that are off, or not socially correct and sounds flat sometimes. He is also very loud. He simply does not speak like other neurotypical kids his age. There are times when he sounds neurotypical, but not 100% of the time. My personal goal is to see his verbal IQ reach 95 by the time he goes to college. With a non-verbal IQ of a genius, he needs to be able to articulate better as he grows up so he can be part of society and become independent by the time he goes to college. But I now realize how hard reaching this goal is. Just before Kindergarden, his verbal IQ was 77. Before first grade, it was 79. And before second grade it was 80. And it is shocking to me because the overall improvements each year have been dramatically, but his expressive language continues to improve slowly compared to other areas of his autism. And his expressive language continues to be my main focus.
  • Social Adaptability: he has a serious trouble fitting in with other children his age. If the situation does not involve electronics, he does not play well. Sometimes he becomes preoccupied and rigid and tells the kids not to break rules. If the game is fun, he will play for a while until something makes him get upset and then he turns away. This is another one of the areas I am worried about. As he grows older, he needs to learn to adapt more.
  • Playing Skills: Jonathan simply won't play with toys other kids his age like to play with. He doesn't have the initiative to imagine situations and play with action figures, cars, dinosaurs, etc. Despite all the play therapies he has gone through, despite Vanessa's attempts, he simply cannot on his own pick up a toy and play with it. If he doesn't have an electronic toy, or a board game to play with, or Vanessa to guide him, he will simply lay on the couch and suck his thumb. Because he is not able to do this, it affects his playing skills with other kids, which affects his social adaptability.

Overall I am very pleased with the accomplishments. He is more engaged and more social these days. He is doing very well at school, so that part I don't have to worry about. And he is a really good kid, very sweet and with great intentions.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

18 Rouds of DMSA/ALA

It has been a while since I last wrote an update on this blog. For a while I didn't see much difference in Jonathan. And my current job is so incredibly demanding, that I rarely have any time lately to search the web or update this blog. However, I want to note some nice improvements so I can keep a record of them.

He starts a new school this year. It is a private school that will incorporate most of the therapies that he normally obtains privately in his daily routine. We are extremely excited about it and I know we are going to see great improvements this coming school year.

Here are some areas that I have seen major improvements and wanted to highlight:

  • Haircut Mastered: Last weekend we took the kids to get a haircut. I have to note that for the first time EVER Jonathan did not move an inch. The lady cut his hair and when she used the clippers, he simply said "when you cut my hair behind the ears it tickles my back a little bit", but he didn't move. He was GREAT!!!!!! If you have followed this blog for the past 2 years, you'll know that this has been one of areas that I use to compare his sensory integration issues and recovery. Even with high yeast (his yeast is out of control) he did not move. Big plus here!
  • Passed Swimming Test in Public Pool: This past weekend, we took the kids to the pool at his grandmother's community and the lifeguard told us that the kids could not go passed 3 feet by themselves unless they took a swimming test. At first I was worried. Jonathan has been taking swimming lessons since last October, but he repeated Level 2 and he is going to repeat Level 3 because unfortunately he is not very athletic and has trouble with the forms. Vanessa however is turning out to be a pretty athletic kid and she is going quite well in her swimming lessons. However, Jonathan decided on his own to take the test, and Vanessa decided not to do it. Jonathan had to go from one end of the pool in the deep area to the other end and back and then stand in the middle moving his legs without swimming for 30 seconds. I watched nervous that he was going to get tired in the middle of the pool and sink. But he didn't. My heart almost came out of my chest when the lifeguard told us that he passed the test. I was so worried that I didn't even record it. He was so proud of himself that he went to the deep side after that several times. I am very proud of him. This is a great great accomplishment.
  • Coping Very Well with Summer Camps: We enrolled him in regular summer camps under the local community center. They have several types of classes. We selected mostly sports camps to help him lose weight and keep him moving. At the beginning of each week, I turn in all the forms. In one of the forms I disclose that the has Austim, but I don't tell the teachers the first day. By the end of the week, Jonathan is acquaintance with all the kids and first with 1 or 2, and with the teachers in his group. He has enjoyed all the camps. His favorite has been the Gym and Dance camp and wanted to be sent back there. They didn't offer any more sessions, but I will keep in mind for next year. Check out the video below. He is the only boy and loved it!!!

  • Board Games: He started loving playing board games last year. He is either an electronics kind of kid or board games. He is not a "doll or monster or lego" kind of kid. His grandmother got him playing a couple of years ago and played with him every time she could. But all of a sudden, in the past few months, Jonathan developed a passion for Monopoly. He is learning the rules about money, property, trading, taking risks, etc., so well that he beats us. Sometimes he wins, sometimes he loses. And he takes each time very well. He loves to talk about it. He loves to beat us and laughs at us in a "ha, gotcha!" kind of way. Although it has turned into an obsession and we are unsuccessfully trying to get him to play other games, I do believe that this is a very positive because it shows him rules of life, engages him with a group, teaches him strategy, etc. His math skills are also improving dramatically.
I am sure there are other areas that I am missing, but these are the ones that come to my mind at the moment. He is having some trouble with the chelation because has produced a great deal of yeast. But overall, I am very very happy with the DMSA/ALA combination and I wish I had done it 4 years ago. Better late than never. It is opening a new door, cleaning up some residual stuff that prevents him from continuing to recover. I ordered a new probiotic and will test his liver functions to check if I can get him back on diflucan. He is ultra sensitive and whenever we tell him not to do something, he cried. That is typical of high yeast in him.

Overall, he is doing great!

Monday, June 8, 2009

9 Rounds of DMSA/ALA

We completed 9 rounds of the DMSA/ALA quelation this past weekend. We all have the schedule down pretty well now (including Jonathan). He is reacting well. I do believe his candida has increased. But he has not regressed, nor has his OCD increased.

Observed improvements:
  • Expressive language: His language has really improved in the past month. But I don't know if it is the left-over reaction from the neurofeedback or the chelation. His reading comprehension has improved. He gets what he reads much better.
  • Memory: both his short-term memory and long-term memory of experiences he lives have improved dramatically. He is retaining experiences better and can remember them. He really does not recall much of anything that he lived the first 6.5 years of his life.
  • Social interactions: His social skills are also improving. We went to a sports store this weekend to get him swimming goggles and he saw a ball he wanted to buy. After much convincing (I didn't want to buy it, but he begged), I gave him a $10 bill and he paid for it. He started a bit weird with the cashier telling him that he had "magic money" but the cashier was very nice and played along. After he paid, the cashier gave him the ball back and Jonathan said "thank you man!" and the guy responded "your welcome bro!". That was incredible. He is really starting to pick up on idiomatic expressions. That is very exciting to me. He also loves to order his own food at restaurants. He is even funny sometimes.
  • Play skills: his pretend play is resuscitating. He is playing a lot with Vanessa lately. And he even likes to carry a dalmatian puppy stuffed animal with him around when Vanessa has hers.
  • Empathy: he is more affectionate lately and when he hurts someone, he is now saying "I am sorry" and really meaning it. So I believe this area is improving too.
  • Asking questions: he is asking a lot more questions lately. We went to the movies to see Night at the Museum and he asked a lot of questions. Then, when Roosevelt came up, he said "Mommy, when you were my age, who was the president of the United States"? Well, I could not answer that. I really don't know my American history that well, but I it impressed me that he asked me such question.
  • Humming: he is humming 1/3 less the time that he used to. I am not sure what helped with this. But it is great. His humming drives me crazy.
Areas of concern:
  • Strange movements: I did notice today that he was making strange hand movements, but nothing too annoying.
  • Stims: besides the humming, he now talks to himself more than before. That is driving me crazy. And he is continuing to walk with the tip of his toes a lot.
  • Weather Awareness: this question keeps coming up in assessments and I keep noticing that Jonathan does not get it. He does not pay attention to weather it is cold or hot to select the appropriate clothes to wear. He has swimming lessons on Sunday. I told him to change and he came back with his swimsuit and a long sleeve shirt.
  • Language: this is still not age appropriate, but he is really making nice progress here.
  • Voice: he is still loud. His voice is not as flat as it used to be, but it is still a bit flat and robotic.
  • Too sentimental: he cries whenever I say no, or if I get upset for something, or if he doesn't get what he wants. And whenever something does not go his way, he is very dramatic and says "I will NEVER ..."
  • Low muscle tone: I continue to struggle with his low muscle tone. He cannot sparrow at Tae Kwon Do (at all). He can't kick, punch, etc. He is a strong kid, but cannot control his muscles well. He can do the form very well, but cannot sparrow. He is having difficulties with riding the bike. The bigger he gets, the worse it is because he is heavier. One of the things that will help him is lose weight.
  • Low metabolism: he is overweight, but he does not each lots of sweets. He eats lots, but not so much to be a good 10 lbs overweight. I enrolled him in 9 weeks of sports summer camps. I hope that helps him lose some weight and increase his metabolism. I am working on changing his diet a bit to decrease the carbs a bit and increase veggies, and fruits. He does well with protein and I don't need to increase that.
Last week I ran out of one of the homeopathic drops. I didn't buy it (forgot) and 3 days later, Jonathan's throat tic returned! It excites me to know which homeopathic drop is the one that is turning that off. I have run out of the other ones for a couple of days without the same reaction. It is the apo-INFEKT. It is supposed to help with the strep.

I like this new method of chelation. I believe it is working for Jonathan.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

6 Rounds and Well

We started his 6th round of the low dose high frequency DMSA/ALA chelation this weekend. Jonathan has actually shown some nice progress in the past couple of weeks, mostly in comprehension and memory. But it is hard to say if it is due to the Neurofeedback sessions he had (he completed 40 sessions and we stopped 2 weeks ago), the new homeopathic drops (which miraculously stopped his throat tic) and the DMSA/ALA chelation. Or a combination of all.

The DMSA/ALA seem to aggravate this leaky gut. His stools are well formed but they have small white dots only during the weekend while he is taking the pills. But I don't see any sulfur related issues. I was worried to give him DMSA with ALA because of his nutrigenomics genetic mutations. But, aside from the extra yeast, he is doing quite well. We (my dad, my husband and I) have been incredibly disciplined to give him the pill every 3 hours. We have not missed a dose yet.

I am planning to try a new probiotic that was recommended by one of the autism groups that I belong to. It is called In-Liven.

Jonathan's motor skills are concerning me. He is having a hard time with physical activities: riding a bike, skating, climbing, even running. He gets tired very quickly. But the other issue is that any activity that requires him to use his arms to help him, he simply quits on. Climbing is such an issue. He has a terrible time pulling himself up. He doesn't seem to have strength in his upper body. I believe part of the issue is that he is too heavy. He is 7 and weighs 75 lbs. But he likes to eat (and not junk precisely) and changing the diet to low carbs would be very hard. It is better to get him to become more active. For the summer, we enrolled him in sports camps. I need to find a solution to this problem. The new school he is going to attend in the fall will have tons of physical activities which I hope will help him build his strength.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Muffins for Mom

Today was pretty special. Last night, while I was giving Jonathan a shower, he told me that I needed to come to his school today for a mother's day event. I was shocked because his teacher had not sent a note home (as far as I knew). As we conversed about it, he told me that he had done a card for me and a book and a flower and that he had picked out a muffin for me and that I had to come. At first I said that I couldn't because I had a meeting (thinking that he was making it up or saying something out of context), but then he looked at me with tears in his eyes and asked me to please go. Of course I said yes. When I put him to bed, he again made me promise that I was going to his school. I said yes.

In the morning, he came to our bed and as I was getting ready to go downstairs to fix breakfast, he asked me if I remembered that today was Muffins for Mom's day and if I was coming. I told him yes. At 8am, I called the school and they confirmed that it was an event for first graders and for his class it was at 9:30am. I took him to school and on our way, he spoke out the schedule, by this making sure that between taking him to school and going to work, I was going to his school first.

I showed up at 9:15am to sign in. When the teacher saw me, she was very happy. She expressed that she was very worried that I had not RSVPed to her note. I told her that I did not see the note and apologized. I am very glad that Jonathan told me the night before, because 25 out of 26 moms went and the kid whose mom did not go was very sad. I know how traumatic these things can be.

He was so excited to see me. He showed me to his desk and gave me all the things he made for me. And hugged me and kissed me. He was genuingly happy to see me. That made me very happy. The event was only for 45 minutes. The kids had to take their mom's breakfast order (1 of 3 choices of muffins and a juice) and the kids picked it up and brought it back to them. It was funny to them balance the huge muffin on one hand and the juice on the other, but they did it. We ate and talked to our kids and looked over their journals and other working books. It was truly special and I am very happy I did that. Jonathan appreciated it too. When he went to bed tonight and I kissed him, he told me that he was very happy that I went to his school today and that he loved me very much.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Round 2 - Very Sentimental

We did a second round of the DMSA/ALA this past weekend. Same small dosage (1/4 DMSA and 1/8 ALA) every 3 hours. It went well. I did notice that Jonathan was more emotional than normal. On Sunday, he had a meltdown because he wanted to show his friend C. his new Nintendo DSi; and when I told him that he had to wait until later in the weekend, he could not regulate that. I bent the rules and let him show his friend for about 15 minutes. We were at a park. After that, he was happy again. He is normally pretty good about regulating his feelings. So this is definitely a detox reaction.


In the past week, he has hardly scratched/cleared his throat. I heard him twice. And he claimed it was food stuck just after he ate. After he cleared his throat, I didn't hear him clear his throat again. I am starting to believe that homeopathy might be a good intervention after all.

He is on 20 drops of all 4 homeopathic supplements plus the pill. He is taking them well.


This intervention has been very good for Jonathan. He has one more session left to complete 40 sessions. When he started, his reading comprehension was very poor. If he read a book, he could not tell me what he read unless he read it at least twice more. Now, he does much better. Although he may not comprehend everything in the story, he is able to articulate what happened and even ask wh questions.

His language has really improved too. Even though the topics he chooses to talk about are not exactly age appropriate at times (lots of talk about the video games he plays and he loses people half the time), he won't stop talking. He is getting better at using common idiomatic expressions and pronunciations like "didn't", "don't". He used to say "I did not ..." or "I do not...". He is using more complex thinking like "mommy, can you take the Nintendo DS back home after you take me to school and before you to go work? Do you promise?".

Unfortunately, we need to stop the sessions because my insurance will only cover 40 sessions since this is an out of network therapy. Too bad, because I really think that this has been very helpful.

Miracles Do Happen

Today I received a phone call from a good friend with a severely affected child. Her son is a non-verbal teenager with seizures. He is very sweet. I met her about a year ago and have helped her to the best of my time and ability with new things she wanted to try for her child. I told her about HBOT, Yasko, Tomatis and Neurofeedback. She attempted all those interventions. Today she called me to thank me for introducing her to Jonathan's Neurofeedback Dr. He started Neurofeedback at another organization a while ago and saw no results. She switched to Jonathan's Dr. about 3 months ago. The Dr. learned, through her initial assessment, where to concentrate to help him. Her assessment seemed to have been right. The sessions have helped with his seizures. He has not had seizures in 3 months. And today, he spoke for the first time. She took him for a walk since it was a nice day. After a bit, he told her "go home". He said it 3 times. This news made me cry. We fight so hard to find these puzzle pieces and when we find one, we claim victory.

She is going to continue with neurofeedback for a while needless to say, as she continues to try other biomedical approaches. I told her about the Zyto energy and homeopathic therapy and she is interested in that. It might give her other clues that can help her son continue to improve.

Never give up! That is today's message. Never give up!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

3 Days with no Throat Scratch

This is truly remarkable, so I need to log it. It has been 3 days since we heard Jonathan scratch his throat. He would do it every few minutes, sometimes seconds. He'd make a noise like something is stuck in his throat and he needed to clear it. He has been doing that since he was 3, but lately it got really bad. I got so worried, that this year I spoke with his DAN! and pediatrician about having an ENT do a full exam, including an X-ray. He is old enough and has overcome his sensitivity issues and can be examined by an ENT with no problems. This was driving me crazy.

His pediatrician, during his well visit 3 weeks ago, told me that it was probably a tic and there was nothing to do but try to bring it to his attention often enough so he could control it himself. Believe me we have, and it has not made any difference. I always thought is was an allergic reaction to gluten or spring/fall allergies because it seemed seasonal. And it is hard to control an allergic reaction.

During the Zyto reading (energy reading via the hand) last week, the practitioner told me that normally the throat scratching noise is due to a tic that comes from strep in the brain. Actually, he told me that it is typical of PANDAS syndrome. I have not had Jonathan go through a formal PANDAS diagnosis, but I might. Nonetheless, I thought it was interesting; even more so because he was the only person that possibly knew what it was, and that confirmed that it was not a physical problem with the child's throat.

I started him back on all the Yasko supplements (my poor baby, back to over 50 pills a day, but he is a champion and takes them without making any complaints), but I doubt that the pills have done much with respect to the throat noise because he has taken them before for over 2 years with little effect on the throat issue. Same with the probiotic.

The new things are a very low dose of DMSA/ALA chelation and the homeopathic drops. I discard the chelation pills because I have been chelating Jonathan with other chelators for the past 4 years and they have not had this type of effect. So it must be the homeopathic drops. I started them last Friday. On Sunday, I heard him do it once. Nothing yesterday, nothing today. My dad has also paid attention since he spends the afternoons with him, and he too told me that he has not heard him make a noise. And today, the neurofeedback Dr. noticed it as well on her own. Since I started them together, I have no idea which one caused this reaction.

I'll keep logging my observations. This is very cool.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Round 1 - Reacted Well

We started the DMSA/ALA low dose high frequency chelation on Friday 4/10/2009 at 12noon. We also started the homepathic drops. 5 drops of each twice a day. The tablets are on back-order.

I thought it was going to be really hard to wake up twice in the middle of the night to give him the pills, but it wasn't so bad. I did 3 hours both during the day and at the night. The protocol allows for 4 hours at night, but from what I read, it is better to keep it at 3 hours to prevent metal redistribution in the body.

Each weekend is considered a round. From what I have been reading, Jonathan will need about 100 rounds (over 2 years) of the DMSA/ALA combination to see the improvements we wish to see. Some kids may need up to 300 rounds. I hope that 100 rounds are enough :) Time will tell.

I didn't see any bad reactions this weekend. On the contrary, there were a couple of positive observations this weekend.
  • Expressive language was better. He articulated more complex sentences. But I am not sure it is related to the chelation or homeopathy. Nonetheless, it is important to note.
  • Non-verbal language much much better. On Saturday night, we went to a restaurant with friends. After his food arrived, and looked at him and he must have felt that I was looking because he looked right back at my eyes. I signaled with my finger to him to eat his chicken and he used his hand to signal me to wait and then pointed at the french fries and ate one and I nodded okay with my head. Then I realized that I had just had a perfectly normal non-verbal conversation with my autistic son. That was an AWESOME feeling. Progress!!!! I am not sure it is related to the chelation or homeopathy. Nonetheless, it is important to note.
  • Throat tic was vastly improved. On Saturday he scratched his throat less than normal, but today, he only did it one time in the morning. That is pretty freaky. After years and years of this, it was weird to realize that he had not scratched his throat for an entire day. I credit that to the homeopathic drops. I was told that 2 of them would help with bacteria and strep. I am ready for more!
  • He is having better bowel movements. They are not as stinky (the past month, his stools were intolerable) and he did not have accidents this weekend for the first time in weeks. The stools are still softer than they used to be, but better somehow. I re-introduced Klaire Labs Detoxifying probiotics on thursday night. Perhaps the probiotics helped with his stools. Or perhaps the homeopathic drops have. That is hard to tell.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Still Mercury - Change of Protocols

It has been a while since I last wrote a post. For the past few months I felt very lost with regards to Jonathan's recovery program. He reached a plateau a few months ago and I was sad and frustrated because I, for the first time in 4 years, didn't have a plan. I was hanging on a thing threat with respect to the neurofeedback and I wholeheartedly think that it has helped him, but it is not enough. It is not the "missing link(s)". That somehow has changed in the past week, so I am back on.

Last week, we ran his urine porphyrin again, and it came back with a high mercury toxicity read. It frustrates me that after 4 years of biomed, the mercury toxicity still shows so high.

The first urine porphyrin showed very high levels of mercury, aluminum and lead. We then implemented the Yasko protocol and the levels dropped down to half. It was very encouraging. However, the protocol required additional detox and we could not afford the metals program along with the HBOT. So we chose HBOT and the Yasko supplements, but used suppositories instead to chelate rather then Yasko's metal program. 1.5 years later, the level of toxicity has minimally dropped. That is frustrating. What a waste of time.

Last month, I learned about an energy reader device called Zyto. I decided to have Jonathan do the hand test, and it showed that he has a lot of mercury, that he is a vaccine injured child as his body reacted very badly to the Hepatitis-B vaccine (which I have been saying for the past 4.5 year), the rubella, varicella and flu shots. Vaccine is the major cause of his autism. It infuriated me, but I already knew that. So life goes on. It showed huge amounts of candida as well as strep. Although I thought I had eradicated his gut strep, it seems like he has strep in other areas of his body, including his middle ear and brain. I finally learned that the annoying throat scratch sound he makes is a throat clearing tic from strep in his brain. He seems to have a slight low dopamine issue which we knew from Yasko's mutations and a pituitary problem.

So in an effort to shake things up a bit, I made the decision to do homeopathy along with the Yasko supplements to bypass his methylation mutations and the low dose high frequency chelation protocol from Andy Cutler using DMSA and ALA. Even though Jonathan has a +/- CBS upregulation problem (which causes high levels of ammonia and some intolerance to sulfur), since he doesn't have the SOUX mutation, I have decide to give the Andy Cutler protocol a try. It is pretty much one of the only popular chelation protocols I have not tried. And I am trying to leave IV chelation as a last resort.

I know nothing, absolutely nothing, about how homeopathy works. But many people swear by it and from my conversation with the Zyto practitioner, he indicated that there are certain areas in the body that only homeopathy has a good change of reaching to. There is nothing I can lose and much I can gain. So I am going to give it a shot.

I will log the homeopathy and Andy Cutler rounds weekly and include anecdotes on improvements and regressions so I can keep a log.


5 products:

- Pk - AILGENO (oral drops)
- Pk - apo-INFEKT (oral drops)
- Pk - NEU-regen (oral drops)
- St - SyAllgen (tablets)
- St - SyDetox Complex (oral drops)

The protocol is as follows:
  • Day one:
    Pk - AILGENO - 5 drops twice a day
    Pk - apo-INFEKT - 5 drops twice a day
    Pk - NEU-regen - 5 drops twice a day
    St - SyAllgen - one subligual tablet (on back-order) once a day
    St - SyDetox Complex - 5 drops twice a day

  • Day three:
    Pk - AILGENO - 10 drops twice a day
    Pk - apo-INFEKT - 5 drops twice a day
    Pk - NEU-regen - 10 drops twice a day
    St - SyAllgen - one subligual tablet once a day
    St - SyDetox Complex - 10 drops twice a day

  • Day Seven:
    Pk - AILGENO - 20 drops twice a day
    Pk - apo-INFEKT - 5 drops twice a day
    Pk - NEU-regen - 20 drops twice a day
    St - SyAllgen - one subligual tablet once a day
    St - SyDetox Complex - 20 drops twice a day
  • On day 35, we will do the Zyto test again

Andy Cutler's Chelation Procotol:

Chelation agent(s): DMSA + ALA

Dose frequency: DMSA + ALA (together): every 3 hours, including at night.

  • DMSA (alone or in combination with ALA): 1/8 to 1/2 mg of DMSA per pound of body weight, per dose
  • ALA (alone or in combination with DMSA): 1/8 to 1/2 mg of ALA per pound of body weight, per dose

Ratio of DMSA to ALA (if using both): A 2:1 ratio for the first 4 weeks. 1:1 ratio after.

Length of cycles: 3 days on, 4 days off.
  • Friday after school until Monday morning = 2.6 days.
  • B complex, C and magnesium should be given 4 times a day. The B and C are not effective if not given 4 times a day due to their pharmacokinetics.
  • Zinc, E, carotenes, etc. at least daily.
  • Yasko supplements for body support, mitochondrial cocktail and methylation mutaiton by-pass.

Jonathans' weight: 71 lbs

Chelator Date Dosage
Dosage Per interval # of Dosages
DMSA Dosage 4/10-4/13 1/4 18 mg 22 (1 every 3 hours)
ALA Dosage 4/10-4/13 1/8 9 mg 22 (1 every 3 hours)

DMSA Dosage 4/17-4/20 1/4 18 mg 22 (1 every 3 hours)
ALA Dosage 4/17-4/20 1/8 9 mg 22 (1 every 3 hours)

DMSA Dosage 4/24-4/27 1/2 36 mg 22 (1 every 3 hours)
ALA Dosage 4/24-4/27 1/4 18 mg 22 (1 every 3 hours)

DMSA Dosage 5/1-5/3
1/2 36 mg 22 (1 every 3 hours)
ALA Dosage 5/1-5/3
1/4 18 mg 22 (1 every 3 hours)

DMSA Dosage 5/8 - on
1/2 36 mg 22 (1 every 3 hours)
ALA Dosage 5/8 - on 1/2 36 mg 22 (1 every 3 hours)

After 5/8/2009, same dosage for 6 months and I will do another urine porphyrin test to check progress.

Monday, March 16, 2009

28 Neurofeedback Sessions so Far

It has been a while since I wrote. My life is very hectic at the moment. And I don’t see the big gains anymore, so I am not as motivated. But it is very therapeutical for me, so I’ll try to get back into the routine.

Jonathan has completed 28 neurofeedback sessions. We started back on January 6th. I feel he has made some progress. His language is more complex, his thought process is more complex. He seems to think things through a bit more than before. For instance, this weekend we went to visit our friends and Jonathan started playing the Wii with his friend C. After while, they sat down to eat and when Jonathan was done, C asked Jonathan to go back and play one of the level by himself. Jonathan must have thought that it was odd because he turned and asked him “why?”. C. told him that it was because he wanted to see how he got past a bad guy while he finished his dinner. And Jonathan said “ah, ok. Sure”. In the past he would have just said sure instead of thinking about the reason behind the question. I find that to be positive.

He had the TOVA test done this past Saturday and the Dr. believes that his attention span has improved. His agility has slowed, and that is because he is now thinking things through more than doing things impulsively. She is going to concentrate on the frontal part of his brain to speed that up a bit.

We are looking into moving Jonathan from the public school into a private school that will give him all the therapies that he needs throughout the day. I am very excited about it. We are in the registration process. In the meantime, I need to find summer activities for him.


  • Language (expressive): intonation is better, thought complexity, he can express his needs better.
  • Comprehension: I believe this has improved since January.

Areas of concern (besides language):

  • Language (expressive): there are words that he is having trouble pronouncing.
  • Stims: He is still humming. He also walks in his tip-toes more frequently lately.
  • Auditory Memory: Even though his attention seems to have improved, he is having a hard time responding to people when people ask him questions if his attention is not grabbed first. If I walk by and ask him to put his shoes on while he is watching TV or playing something, he completely ignores me. But once I call his name (sometimes loudly) and he turns to engage me, he can often do what I ask him to do with one or 2 prompts.
  • Sensory: he still needs sensory input. He keeps moving. And he is very sensitive to haircuts again. I thought we had overcome that issue, but it is back.
  • Lazy: I don’t know if it is laziness or low muscle tone, or other issues, but he doesn’t like to do things on his own. And when I confront him he tells me that he is tired (brushing teeth, changing clothes, biking, climbing). But as soon as I give him the ok to play the Wii, his energy is back.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Time to Rethink My Strategy

The time has come to re-evaluate my strategies. I have been easing off for the past 2 month. Part being overwhelmed with work and autism stuff. Part not feeling as much pressure on my shoulder because the doctors are giving us a good prognosis. However, I think that was a bad move. I see his language getting dramatically better, but his behavior is regressing.

This weekend he did something he had not done in a long time. He put music CDs in the DVD player to listen to music. But what was worse is that he realized that the PlayStation 3 can show images on the TV while the music plays (much like Microsoft Media Player) and wanted to do that for hours. What a set back. And today, he begged me to let him watch his favorite VHS from when he was a baby: Baby Einstein. He sat on the sofa, and hummed the music while he watched the images spin. Now, that is total regression.

I am getting all his supplements back into a regimen again this weekend. I am missing few, so I'll go to the apothecary and get some on Saturday. I am also thinking that the neurofeedback therapy must have triggered something in his brain. His language (vocabulary and sentence complexity) is really much better than the past 2 weeks. Something is working. But something is not also. I am not going to stop, but I need to find out what is going on. He is now very irritable and does not tolerate routine changes without putting on a fight. He was always pretty flexible unless he was really obsessed with something. He is now very defiant. I don't get it. Not aggressive physically. Just with words and language tone (high tone, almost screaming).

We went to see his DAN! last week. Vanessa came with us and he behaved very well. He seemed pretty neuro-typical to the doctor. But that is the problem. He is not always NT. His obsession with only playing with electronics and ZERO with other toys is really bothering me. He started getting interested on board games, but he quit them also. The Dr. gave me a couple of tests to do. I will do them this weekend. And start chelation again next week.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

NeuroFeedback Therapy

It has been almost 2 months since I last wrote a post. I have to be very honest and say that I burned out.

Jonathan is doing well. But he has plateaued. I am burned out and don't want to deal with the supplements, the diet, the therapies, the endless nights reading about new findings, trying to put the 3000 piece-puzzle together. I needed a break. I still have not gotten a full grasp, but I did start something new and I want to track it.

We started neurofeedback therapy on January 6th., 2008. He has had 8 sessions. I don't see much improvement (any really) and I hope that we get reimbursed by the insurance because it is expensive. But he is off all supplements and that may be a reason why this is not showing the improvements I expected. Time will tell.