Tuesday, April 14, 2009

3 Days with no Throat Scratch

This is truly remarkable, so I need to log it. It has been 3 days since we heard Jonathan scratch his throat. He would do it every few minutes, sometimes seconds. He'd make a noise like something is stuck in his throat and he needed to clear it. He has been doing that since he was 3, but lately it got really bad. I got so worried, that this year I spoke with his DAN! and pediatrician about having an ENT do a full exam, including an X-ray. He is old enough and has overcome his sensitivity issues and can be examined by an ENT with no problems. This was driving me crazy.

His pediatrician, during his well visit 3 weeks ago, told me that it was probably a tic and there was nothing to do but try to bring it to his attention often enough so he could control it himself. Believe me we have, and it has not made any difference. I always thought is was an allergic reaction to gluten or spring/fall allergies because it seemed seasonal. And it is hard to control an allergic reaction.

During the Zyto reading (energy reading via the hand) last week, the practitioner told me that normally the throat scratching noise is due to a tic that comes from strep in the brain. Actually, he told me that it is typical of PANDAS syndrome. I have not had Jonathan go through a formal PANDAS diagnosis, but I might. Nonetheless, I thought it was interesting; even more so because he was the only person that possibly knew what it was, and that confirmed that it was not a physical problem with the child's throat.

I started him back on all the Yasko supplements (my poor baby, back to over 50 pills a day, but he is a champion and takes them without making any complaints), but I doubt that the pills have done much with respect to the throat noise because he has taken them before for over 2 years with little effect on the throat issue. Same with the probiotic.

The new things are a very low dose of DMSA/ALA chelation and the homeopathic drops. I discard the chelation pills because I have been chelating Jonathan with other chelators for the past 4 years and they have not had this type of effect. So it must be the homeopathic drops. I started them last Friday. On Sunday, I heard him do it once. Nothing yesterday, nothing today. My dad has also paid attention since he spends the afternoons with him, and he too told me that he has not heard him make a noise. And today, the neurofeedback Dr. noticed it as well on her own. Since I started them together, I have no idea which one caused this reaction.

I'll keep logging my observations. This is very cool.

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