Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Very Active Weekend

This weekend we decided to take the kids to an amusement park with several friends since it was a beautiful weekend. There were 15 of us (8 kids, 7 adults). Jonathan was very excited. He loves this park. When we met the other folks, Jonathan immediately joined the other 3 boys in play. They got on most of the rides together. We later broke into separate groups because some wanted to do rides that Jonathan doesn’t like. We went on a 3D ride. Later that evening, we went to a restaurant to have dinner, and Jonathan was playing with his Dad’s iPhone, when one of the boys took it and started playing. Jonathan did not say anything and just watched him. Another other boy came and started talking with the boy that took the iPhone and pushed Jonathan to the side and told him that they didn’t want him to play with them. Jonathan was heartbroken. He cried and I took him to the bathroom when he told me what happened. He asked me “why mommy, why don’t they want to play with me?” I told him that I thought it was probably a mistake, but it wasn’t. These are the types of problems that Jonathan is going to face now. Since he doesn’t quite know the unwritten rules of society yet, he gets pushed to the side. The other 2 boys have ADD and are having trouble at school with their academics and memory. I was talking to their moms before that happened. They are so worried about how to get them to pay attention, learn and complete their work. I, on the other hand, have no trouble with academics or memory. Jonathan is advanced in those areas. But he evidently still has social problems that will become more prominent in the future. The other 2 boys are very social. Funny how these things work.

On Sunday I took the kids to the museum. Jonathan started to show lots of interest a couple of weeks ago to things that he never cared about before. So my new therapeutic strategy is to expose him to as many experiences as possible. Less TV and video games during free time and more nature and other activities. He was very excited in the museum. We went to the insects exhibit and he loved having insects in his hand. We entered a room full of butterflies and that was great. He was so gentle yet started matching all the live ones to a cheat sheet they gave us. He was amazed to see one eat. We saw dinosaurs, and whales. We went into a store (Vanessa wanted to buy a stuffed whale) and he bought a necklace with a blue whales . He sleeps with it he loves it so much. He prefers live animals to museum skeletons. I am going to make a schedule of activities that will include going to see live animals (zoo, aquarium, horseback riding, etc.)

Since Monday was a holiday, I took the day off and took the kids to a park that is by a river and has lots of rock to climb. We made a barbecue and Jonathan was very curious. First he reacted like the teachers are teaching him at school “mom, fire, smoke. You have to dock if you see smoke”. And he did. I told him that it was a BBQ and that was the way to start it and it was not going to get to anyone. So he relax and watched his grandfather set the BBQ with charcoal and a match. Then he watch me put the full on the grill and was curious how the food was going to cook if the fire was gone. And I showed him that the charcoal was very hot and that is how the food cooks. He later played ball with Vanessa, and collected leaves that fell off the trees. Then they played climbing on the rocks. It was a fun day and full of new experiences.

This morning, he woke up and thought that he had his field trip to the pumpkin patch. I couldn’t find the note, but he remembered that something was due on the 14th and that he had to wear long pants and long sleeves. So he changed back and when I found the note, I learned that what was due today was the authorization note with the payment. So he is remembering things. So he changed back to shorts.

I changed his probiotics on Friday to Klaire Labs Detox formula. I was giving him VSL#3. That is the only change and on Sunday his stools were finally firm. He has had very soft stools for the past 4 to 5 months. It could have been the very strong VSL#3 formula. I’ll keep monitoring.

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