Thursday, October 2, 2008

(HBOT 156) - Hungry for More Independence

On Tuesday, when I checked Jonathan's backpack and the "Tuesday folder" (public schools send information home for parents to review in a special folder every Tuesdays) I found October's school lunch schedule and Jonathan was very interested in reading what the cafeteria had to offer every day. He told me which days he wanted to eat at school "like other kids" and what days he wanted me to pack his lunch.

He has been buying lunch on Fridays since he started. And he likes doing what other kids do. But he is a picky eater, so he won't eat quesadillas if that is all they are selling. But he really likes using his own lunch money. He knows his "lunch money" number and feels like the other kids. So he picked more days he wanted to use his own lunch money and order himself.

Same thing applies to snack time. I know that for snack they can get ice cream, so I asked him if he was going to also buy snack, and he said "mommy, on Thursdays they only have orange ice cream. Yikes." He was so cute.

He has been reading a lot this week on his own. Particularly a couple of books that he brought home from his school's library and from his own book collection. He is reading fast lately. But I have been paying attention to his eyesight when he reads and he tends to move his eyesight. The lady that wrote to me a couple of days ago about the vision problem might have hit a good point. What I thought could be dyslexia can actually be a vision problem. I am going to look into that. Thanks Tammy.

Another note for this blog is that he has not had a single bowel movement accident since he started diflucan again. His stools are not yet in the consistency they used to be, but he is able to control his BM. That is a big relief.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just to clarify - if it is the issue I was talking about, it is related to the muscles of the eyes - not the vision per se. We are working on addressing this particular issue through our son's HANDLE program. I know other families try to address it through vision therapy - but again, it is not about having 20/20 vision. As I understand it, it's about training the muscles associated with the eyes.

It's really great to hear about all this progress Jonathan is making. It seems that every day there is something new to be excited about!