Monday, July 7, 2008

Started Regular Summer Camp

Jonathan started summer camp last week. He attended a regular summer camp at a farm and loved it. I was so worried, but the leader said that he did great. He fit in and did everything and made 1 friend. He had no trouble understanding and following directions. Each day they had different activities. "Mom, I saw the cows today and their poop is really big :)". "Mom, I saw the pigs today and they stink". "Mom, I made honey bread today". Those are just a few samples. He was excited to come home and tell me about his day. The last day, they had water day and he had no trouble getting wet with the other kids. He even took his shirt off.

For the July 4th weekend, we went to his aunt's house in NJ and it was quite incredible to observe him. He loved it: "Mom, this is a really cool house. I have never been here before. I love this house". We could not understand why he kept telling us that he had never been there before. I even asked him to find the bathroom and he didn't really seem to remember but suddenly he did. Then he said "Oh, I remember the bathroom". It is quite an amazing thing for me to witness. This awakening. He even played with the dogs and threw the balls and was totally into it.

Today he started the new summer camp - Sports. He is going to be in this camp for 2 weeks. One different sport each day. He did really well. He seemed a bit lost this morning since all the kids went to play in a big circle and he didn't really know what was going on. But he was not anxious and went voluntarily. He said bye to me and walked towards them. I was worried all day. But when my dad picked him up, he said that he sounded very happy. When I got home, he told me that it was a fun day and they played basketball and went to the pool.

I did tell the leaders in advanced that Jonathan had high functioning autism and both (last week's and this week's) seemed okay with it. They both had the same reaction - "don't worry. I've had autistic kids before". But once I dropped him off, the leaders did not hold his hand for anything. He was treated as a regular neurotypical kid. That is what I want (I think). He is doing well so far.

Tonight, as I got the kids ready for bed, Jonathan noticed the word "PRINCESS" hanging on one of Vanessa's walls. It is a decoration that someone gave Vanessa when she was born. Each letter is hanging on its own. He came to me and said "mom, why didn't you make the word "PRINCE" for my room? I want to be a PRINCE". I loved it. He is just noticing everything and behaving as any neurotypical kids "I want what my siblings have". I love it!!!

Things that worry me:
  • He keeps making noises with his throat as if he has something stuck. Today he even said that it bothered him. I am going to make an appointment with his pediatrician. This is a daily event. I don't think it is allergies anymore.
  • He still hums, although he has dramatically improved
  • He is holding his private areas constantly. He says it doesn't hurt and he doesn't need to go to the bathroom. So I don't know why. I need to ask his pediatrician.


Anonymous said...

Honey, the last thing about "holding his private parts"... is a man's thing ;)

Cyndi said...

That's great!

Warning: Matthew started PAC summer school today so I'm going to email you this week with some questions on chelation. :) Cyndi